Example sentences of "efficient [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The efficiency of government could only be increased at the expense of its popularity ; the more corrupt and less efficient the government , the more acceptable it was to creole merchants and landowners .
2 In order for such a policy to be successful and efficient the government has to have some idea of the size of any changes in tax rates and so on required to stabilize the economy , and some idea of when precisely such changes are required .
3 Exactly how efficient the system was at Coniston is difficult to assess .
4 In this sense the more predictable aggregate demand is , the more efficient the economy is .
5 In economic theory the more nearly expenditure can be matched to individual preferences , the more efficient the outcome .
6 No matter how efficient the Institution , how quick its response times or how well it is known nothing would be possible without those who raise the funds to keep the RNLI running , and in reporting the reaching of the end of another financial year in an excellent position to plan for our future the Chairman extended his thanks once again to the fund raisers .
7 In this section we will offer some suggestions , all of which have proved valuable in practice , intended to render more efficient the implementation of the B & B method on large ILPs and , especially , large MILPs .
8 However efficient the method of heating , it will be of no use if the room ( and of course , the house ) is not well insulated .
9 How efficient the place was — a model clearing house for death , turning out its yearly quota of corpses .
10 When we 've reached that , we could then think what way forward there is with this er more efficient a provision of information for analyzing it .
11 Graham Ward , the Price Waterhouse partner on the Prudential audit and vice-chairman of the Institute 's Auditing Committee , says : ‘ The more efficient a company 's accounting function might be , the less time it should take to do the audit . ’
12 In general , most of these commentaries had concluded that domestic rates were probably as fair and efficient a system as any .
13 When I was at the Transport Department , my aim was a good rail service for the public and as efficient a service as possible .
14 Underwater , their nymph is just as efficient a predator and unlike the roaming adult , it lies in ambush for other insect nymphs , and larvae , for other aquatic bugs , and even for young fish fry .
15 How many more years shall we have to wait before we have as up and running and as efficient a marketing system for British products as they have in France , Holland and Denmark ?
16 Tony Gordon 's Kiwis , who will now find it difficult to go through the remainder of their tour undefeated , are not as tight and efficient a force as Graham Lowe 's team of four years ago , but with a virtual Test side out , should have been far too strong for Murphy 's collection of reserves .
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