Example sentences of "turn on the " in BNC.

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1 One result of this is that much will turn on the court 's initial characterization of the incident , using the ‘ right-minded person ’ test .
2 It could and did then turn on the assured men — but as collaborators , rather than as religious dissidents .
3 It may again turn on the evidential issue of unsoundness as determined at the moment by the doctor .
4 We could turn on the artificial gas fire ! ’
5 She could turn on the spot by rotating the cylinders fore and aft in opposite directions and at different speeds .
6 With the more aggressive species such as labiatum or bifasciatum it may prove necessary to insert a clear divider into the tank , as the male can turn on the female for no apparent reason .
7 ‘ If we encounter fog over the North Atlantic we will turn on the radar , switch on the Satnav , and start the engines .
8 The dynamic duo were second in line and , unnerved by the wait and the antics of the interlopers , the McFall sewing machine did a brief turn on the delicate opening slab .
9 Then if your child does turn on the hot tap by accident it might hurt but it wo n't scald .
10 And Mark Irwin — editor of weekly soccer magazine Shoot ! — said : ‘ It seems a strange decision , especially at a time when you can hardly turn on the telly without some soccer being screened .
11 It was somehow too much of an effort to lean forward and turn on the cold tap and besides , he wanted the heat .
12 We did n't turn on the lights .
13 If , for instance , he is on the common law side , the case that he is asked to consider may turn on the Landlord and Tenant Acts , the Rent Acts , the Consumer Protection Act , the Food and Drugs Act , the Town and Country Planning Acts , the Arbitration Act , tax law , separation , bankruptcy , conflict of laws , carriage of goods , insurance , and many other topics that he may never have studied at the University or for his Bar examinations He will not be expected , and will not need , to have every detail of all these subjects in his mind .
14 ‘ What the fuck … ’ shouted McCann as he saw Hitch turn on the other two men .
15 The team inside the car , three of them , would occasionally turn on the engine and try to warm themselves , but he knew they 'd feel the cold after such a freezing night .
16 The success of such a challenge could however turn on the ground of attack , as well as the nature of the subject-matter .
17 Rachaela did not turn on the light .
18 I think , though , that the visitor did n't turn on the light , for there was no sound of drawing the sitting room curtains .
19 ‘ So I can turn on the gas , ’ said Apricot .
20 She heard him turn on the tap and drink a glass of water noisily .
21 ‘ Do n't turn on the waterworks , ’ he advised with weary cynicism .
22 Yes , that was it — apprehension — because the moment Silas realised her true reason for being there he 'd turn on the ice and send her to pack her suitcase .
23 Wrath turned on that Prime Minister when it was realised that he was not right , just as it will turn on the present Prime Minister .
24 The outcome , it was believed , would then turn on the attitude of the Unionist ministers .
25 It will probably turn on the relative importance of being close to the cash market ( SOFFEX ) as against the synergistic presence of other contracts on the same exchange ( LIFFE ) .
26 When an employee comes into the workplace , s/he no longer opens the paper mail first but will turn on the computer and read what messages have been left overnight or since the last viewing .
27 Everybody can turn on the affair .
28 All you do turn on the thing
29 Grandma will turn on the radio ?
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