Example sentences of "premises use for " in BNC.

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1 Odour problems often arise in connection with premises used for activities designated ‘ offensive trades ’ , either by s.107(1) ( i ) of the Public Health Act 1936 as extended by Schedule 14 of the Local Government Act 1972 , or by Order made by the local authority and confirmed to be so by the Secretary of State .
2 Siting premises used for the carrying on of designated offensive trades is all important .
3 As the 1956 Act applies only to buildings , s.1(1) of the 1968 Act extended the offence to include dark smoke emitted from ‘ industrial and trade premises ’ defined , for the purpose of that Act , by s.1(5) as ‘ premises used for any industrial or trade purposes or premises not so used on which matter is burnt in connection with any industrial or trade process ’ .
4 With the coming into force of Part 1 of the Control of Pollution Act on 14th June 1976 came a further means of controlling odours emanating from premises used for the disposal of ‘ controlled waste ’ , that is household , industrial and commercial waste , or any such waste defined by s.30(1) of that Act , especially where the odour is due to bad housekeeping , bad handling or spillages of waste .
5 In 1948 local authorities had a variety of old premises used for accommodating the elderly , mostly old public assistance institutions .
6 The policy excludes any part of the premises used for business purposes .
7 Sections 2 ! 5 of the UCTA apply only to " business liability " , which is defined by s 1(3) as " liability for breach of obligations or duties arising ( a ) from things done or to be done by a person in the course of a business ( whether his own or another 's ) ; and ( b ) from the occupation of premises used for business purposes of the occupier " .
8 In addition , some clauses are regulated differently according to whether the contract is made with a person dealing as a consumer or with a non-consumer. ( a ) Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 The scope of the Act The UCTA 1977 applies to clauses which seek to restrict or exclude " business liability " , which is defined as liability for breach of obligations or duties arising — ( a ) from things done or to be done … in the course of a business … ; or ( b ) from the occupation of premises used for business purposes of the occupier …
9 Section 16(1) in the unamended form applicable at the relevant time stated : ‘ Where a term of a contract purports to exclude or restrict liability for breach of duty arising in the course of any business or from the occupation of any premises used for business premises of the occupier that term … ( b ) shall … have no effect if it was not fair and reasonable to incorporate the term in the contract . ’
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