Example sentences of "situations [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , in informal discourse situations less importance is attached to linguistic non-fluency but Anderson 's frequent performance errors here suggest his unease .
2 Groups can provide the ‘ social lubricant ’ that one-to-one situations often lack .
3 In situations where sex is not an ‘ essential determinant ’ of a legal relationship , he appears to see no reason for denying recognition of the transsexual 's change .
4 There may well be situations where support in depth is vital for the functioning of the front-line unit .
5 In effect this means a very broad definition of the situations where interpreting occurs , ranging from conference simultaneous interpreting to casual conversational interpreting which may be consecutive .
6 In many cases the onset of symptoms is found in situations where water quality has deteriorated , where aggressive fish are constantly battling for territory or where opportunist parasites find a weakened fish and multiply rapidly .
7 ( 1983 , p. 69 ) , is more suited to situations where restraint or cutbacks are called for .
8 ‘ It 's one of those situations where marriage between us has always been a foregone conclusion .
9 The weakest form occurs when state officials act on their own preferences in situations where society 's preferences do not diverge from theirs .
10 Most interviews are rather formal situations where emphasis is placed on trying to create a relaxed atmosphere in an artificial situation .
11 if you depend too much on spouse or colleagues to handle situations where speaking the language is necessary
12 In an area where there is already a perceived notion that the trust reposed in financial intermediaries is readily abused , no Government can afford to ignore those situations where abuse is likely to occur .
13 It appears that memory in this sense can be quite varied , for situations where memory is important , e.g. remembering where your car is parked , memory appears to generally be fairly good .
14 The process of conception as such is not affected , and the scientist no more ‘ creates ’ a baby than does the obstetrician who performs a Caesarean section , an operation which has saved the lives of countless mothers and babies in situations where birth could not take place by the natural route .
15 Given the problems explained above , it may be difficult , and in some cases counter-productive to attempt any correction of errors within our system , however initial investigations suggest there may be particular situations where correction can be attempted and is in fact useful to improve recognition rates .
16 Lamping , involving the use of running dogs , is after-harvest night activity which can be continued through the winter in those situations where cover is sparse and where it does n't interfere with anything else .
17 ’ Ransom strips ’ arise in a number of situations where land for development can only be reached by crossing land not in the vendor 's or developer 's ownership .
18 Other typical situations where barking can be a problem are when a dog wants to come indoors or resents being left in a car on its own .
19 The police constable on the beat will occasionally be in situations where leadership skills have to be shown ; team leaders will need to elicit the support of other team members , and some supervisors are more readily followed than others .
20 Police and the armed forces would additionally be permitted to examine documents and other recorded data in situations where terrorist offences or their preparation were suspected .
21 In situations where doubt exists as to whether a transaction has resulted in an asset or expense what questions should be posed ?
22 When teaching theatre nursing , in the accident and emergency department and in other situations where teaching is dictated by the medical condition of the patient , the student is learning established solutions to problems .
23 But is there any situations where Abbey Life can overrule the doctor and say , we 're not happy with this , we want to appoint , we want to give him a medical with our own doctor .
24 For situations where assessment of these SVQs is taking place under simulated conditions , SCOTVEC is publishing extensive guidance , as well as advice on developing employer partnerships .
25 These studies concentrate on industry 's attempts to mobilise law to further its own perceived interests , and examine situations where industry has advocated non-legal techniques .
26 Think of situations where death , which we should usually see as outrageous and abnormal , is welcomed , as in the dying of extreme sufferers or those whose continued existence is a threat to the lives of others .
27 But in situations where theory may be of help , even in defining problems rather than in solving them , it should not be avoided .
28 These arguments are based on the disadvantages of applying established legal techniques in situations where speed , flexibility and informality are the objectives of the tribunal .
29 I am not talking about hunting being given the name of culling , I am talking about situations where culling does really look to be the only way to save the vegetation .
30 Indeed , in situations where Health Authorities have had easy access to the skills of economists , as through the York Health Economics Consortium ( University of York , 1990 ) , demand has been high , suggesting that the appropriate skills for the assessment of efficiency have been lacking in the past .
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