Example sentences of "elected for [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was taught the trade of a blacksmith but , like so many from that village , elected for a life at sea .
2 The vicar calls for silence for the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ , who makes a short speech declaring he has been elected for a year and a day .
3 With the Tories elected for a fourth successive term , the politics of the opposition are obviously up for radical examination .
4 The organisers wisely elected for a slower , but much drier , exit !
5 A council covers an area with a population ranging from 200 to 600 people and is elected for a six-month or one-year period of office .
6 Every councillor is elected for a fixed four year term of office .
7 ( 11 ) If a licensing board is not elected at the time at which it ought to be elected , or an insufficient number of members is elected for a board , the Secretary of State may by order provide for the holding of an election or elections for supplying such fault or deficiency in election at such times and in such manner as he may think expedient .
8 Sessions of the Supreme Soviet and of its standing commissions were dominated by these important figures , a domination reinforced by the fact that the more humble deputies were not usually elected for a second term .
9 The Field Chair is elected for a two-year period by the staff members of the field committee and is eligible for re-election .
10 The unicameral legislature , the National Assembly , is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage .
11 Chadli was elected for a further term as chairman of the FLN .
12 Legislative authority is vested in a Chamber of Representatives elected for a six-year term and comprising 306 members , of whom 206 are directly elected by universal adult suffrage , and the remainder by an electoral college composed of local councillors and representatives of professional bodies .
13 This was expected to provide for a President and National Assembly , to be elected for a five-year term under a multiparty system , with the President eligible for re-election once only .
14 The draft proposed that the chief executive ( a position comparable with that of the current Governor ) be elected for a five-year term by an 800-member " broadly represented " election committee .
15 The People 's Chamber consists of 400 deputies , who are elected for a term of four years by the people in a free , general , equal , direct and secret election . "
16 Under the Constitution of December 1983 executive power is held by the President , who is directly elected for a five-year term , while legislative power is vested in the unicameral Legislative Assembly ( which replaced the National Constituent Assembly in March 1985 ) with 60 members similarly elected for a three-year term .
17 Under the Constitution of December 1983 executive power is held by the President , who is directly elected for a five-year term , while legislative power is vested in the unicameral Legislative Assembly ( which replaced the National Constituent Assembly in March 1985 ) with 60 members similarly elected for a three-year term .
18 Executive power is held by the President , also directly elected for a five-year term , assisted by two elected Vice-Presidents and an appointed Cabinet .
19 Under a new Constitution approved by the 96-member National Constituent Assembly on Nov. 19 , 1986 , and signed into effect on Jan. 9 , 1987 [ see p. 35444 ] , legislative power is exercised by a unicameral National Assembly composed of 90 representatives ( each with an alternate representative ) directly elected for a six-year term by a system of proportional representation and , in addition , those unelected presidential and vice-presidential candidates ( as representatives and alternates respectively ) who receive nationally votes at least equivalent to the average of the winning percentages in each regional electoral district .
20 Both the President and the Vice-President are directly elected for a six-year term .
21 Executive power is held by a President who is elected for a six-year term and who appoints a Cabinet including the Governor of the Federal District .
22 Each state has its own constitution and is administered by a governor who , with the exception of the Governor of the Federal District , is elected for a six-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies elected for a three-year term .
23 Each state has its own constitution and is administered by a governor who , with the exception of the Governor of the Federal District , is elected for a six-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies elected for a three-year term .
24 Under the provisions of the 1982 Constitution executive power is exercised by a President elected for a four-year term by a simple majority of votes .
25 The 1949 Constitution established Costa Rica as a democratic state with an executive President directly elected for a four-year term .
26 Legislative power is held by a unicameral Legislative Assembly similarly elected for a four-year term .
27 Executive power is held by a President , who is popularly elected for a five-year term , and who governs with the assistance of an appointed State Council led by a Prime Minister .
28 Executive power is vested in the President , elected for a five-year term by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of the upper and lower Houses of Parliament ( the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha respectively ) and of the Legislative Assemblies of the States .
29 Most of the 244 members of the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the state assemblies ( one-third being replaced every two years ) while all but two of the 544-members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage .
30 Executive powers are vested in the President who is directly elected for a six-year term .
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