Example sentences of "include [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 21.1 No party shall be liable to any other for non-performance in the event of circumstances occurring outside their control which shall include for the avoidance of doubt strikes material or currency fluctuations .
2 7 NEITHER PARTY shall be liable to the other for non-performance in the event of circumstances occurring outside his , her or its control which shall include for the avoidance of doubt strikes , material currency fluctuations and in the case of the Authors serious illness .
3 20.1 Neither party shall be liable to the other for non-performance in the event of circumstances occurring outside its control which shall include for the avoidance of doubt strikes and material currency fluctuations .
4 This emerges particularly in the verse paragraph in lines 77 – 89 of the Introduction , in which the Man of Law is made to note certain tales which Chaucer has not versified — Canace and Machaire , and Appollonius of Tyre — which Gower did include amongst the tales of his Confessio Amantis .
5 Generally speaking , we shall include under the notion of a man 's property in its widest sense all rights which are capable of being transferred to others , of being made available for payment of his debts , or of passing to his representatives on his death .
6 What other features or promotions will you include in the campaign ( eg special printed bags with a Christmas scene and the name of the shop , or ‘ Merry Christmas from the Card Cabin' ) .
7 Those celebrating Rossini 's ‘ 50th ’ ( he was born in a leap year ! ) include Philips Classics , whose 1992 sextet of new Rossini releases will include in the spring :
8 I would include in the party the current inexperienced members of the full squad , particularly Dewi Morris , who would reap huge benefits from making the trip .
9 The landlord should include in the terms of engagement that the agent is liable to reimburse him for any penalty or interest arising from the agent 's error or late submission of information .
10 Why does the researcher not include in the questionnaire a question about the person 's favourite brand of cigarette ?
11 We can perhaps include in the category of semantic indicator such cases as the dis — of disappoint , disgust , dismay , etc. , and the im — of impertinent , impudent , etc. , if the former is felt to be related to the dis — of dislike and disapprove , and the latter to the im — of impolite ; the segments — appoint , — gust , — may , — pertinent and — pudent have no discernible semantic function , and do not need a label .
12 In the case of a request by a person other than an individual natural person that the licensing board shall declare the provisional grant of a licence final , that person shall include in the notice in subsection ( 5 ) above the name of the employee or agent whom it is intended should have the day to day running of the premises , and the board shall not declare the provisional grant final if it finds that the employee or agent so named in the notice is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence .
13 If Isabel can include in the time she spends with him developing his skills for a propensity for being slightly more economic in his travel and hospitality arrangements , I guess we 'd be even more pleased .
14 but I sh I , my opinion is the test we should apply when determining this application surely is , if we were today , nineteen ninety three , preparing a development plan for would we include in the plan this site for development ?
15 The only concession he made in Zaïs was to let Malherbe include in the preface the following statement : ‘ In the course of the work , M. Vincent d'Indy has thought it necessary to add certain viola parts , which are sometimes lacking in the original score , and to modify or complète wind parts that are too sketchily indicated ’ ( vol.16 , p.lviii ) .
16 The value of this procedure is much diminished by the decision In the Estate of Wipperman [ 1955 ] P 59 ; [ 1953 ] 1 All ER 764 , that an examiner may not include in the deposition any opinion as to the witness 's credibility ( Ord 20 , r 13(5) ( e ) ; note 39/13/1 in The Supreme Court Practice ) .
17 Given the interests of the early social surveyors in investigating whole populations we must include among the forerunners the censuses of pre-modern times .
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