Example sentences of "allowing [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Allowing for certain stylistic overlaps , all medallion designs can be divided into two broad categories .
2 Earlier , in a small , strongly aristocratic society , where all those likely to resort to legal process were well known to their fellows , reliance on verbal contract before witnesses had proved a sound policy , allowing for future elasticity of interpretation within clearly-defined limits .
3 More complex techniques have been developed for approximate string matching , allowing for possible spelling or recognition errors in the input word ( Hall and Dowling , 1980 ; Kashyap and Oommen , 1984 ) .
4 The animals are packed with sufficient food and a source of moisture for the complete journey allowing for possible delays .
5 2.45 Lord Guest thought that the dependency of £4,000 awarded by Lyell J was on the high side , but could be justified when allowing for possible future increases in earnings and for the effects of inflation .
6 Figure 4.1 shows the growth in spending on private acute care in cash and real terms ( after allowing for general price inflation ) between 1972 and 1989 .
7 Allowing for stale prices and GARCH effects , they found that the volatility of futures returns led that of spot returns by fifteen minutes .
8 Observers noted that , since early 1989 , the Phnom Penh government had embarked upon a reformist programme allowing for greater political diversity and for measures to liberalize the economy further .
9 By and large , and allowing for spoiling operations at key points in the evening , programmes are arranged within time-slots to avoid outright competition for the same demographic group or taste constituency .
10 Recognising the sheer impossibility of providing an adequate number of conversion courses of the 52 week full-time mode , the UKCC has outlined a more flexible approach to the problem by allowing for appropriate course content arrived at in ways outlined by PS & D/88/05 .
11 During the 1980s , however , there have been very marked changes in the levels of secondary school enrolment , even allowing for political disruptions .
12 In the first stage of the transitional period legislation allowing for political parties was to be prepared , and a commission would be set up to draft a new constitution .
13 This ‘ step ’ is mirrored at the tip of the asymmetric headstock , and at the recess in the base of the body , with two straplock buttons either side of the base allowing for good free-standing stability .
14 But even allowing for such problems and treating the figures with due caution , they do give a dramatic picture of the relative sizes of different currency segments of the world bond market .
15 But post GATT the occupier 's surplus from arable farming falls to £1500 and after allowing for other income total income would be only about £4000 .
16 Even allowing for other work the team covered during out-of-hours duty ( acting as a consultant to other professionals , checking the register and forwarding referrals for other Local Authorities ) the overall total per team member per month was still only 4 hours per month out-of-hours work .
17 The survey data also allow us to explore whether , after allowing for other identifiable differences in the characteristics of male and female workers , the labour market during the 1970s appeared to discriminate against young women compared to their male contemporaries .
18 If a mispricing remained after allowing for one of three different levels of transactions costs , this constituted a signal to engage in arbitrage .
19 The patients with adenomatous polyps were assigned to one of four study groups using the random sampling quota technique allowing for 10 subjects in each study group .
20 Simply to maintain current patterns of expenditure will require considerable expansion of the budget , without allowing for technological changes in service provision .
21 Linkage lift depends on engine power and hydraulic capacity , and should be sized to give spare capacity over the heaviest item on the farm — allowing for extra wet-soil loading where appropriate .
22 The method is to show the number of households which would be found if the headship rate were to be kept constant at the values in each age-group in 1971 , but allowing for actual changes in number of persons within these age groups .
23 His figures show that even at 1990 inputs and output the occupier 's surplus from farming is less than £300 , becoming about £6000 after allowing for all sources of income .
24 Taking the figures for smokers and non-smokers and allowing for all competing causes of death , the conclusion is that around one in 20 of the lung cancers in the UK may be due to radon exposure at home .
25 Nevertheless , even allowing for all the frailties of palaeontologists , there still remains a remarkable picture of palaeontological persistence .
26 in calculating lost pension rights the correct approach is 1 ) apply the appropriate multiplier to the appropriate multiplicand 2 ) the appropriate multiplicand is the pursuers level of wage which would have been received if currently employed 3 ) allowing for all contingencies including the chance of obtaining a pension in the future the multiplier for a 48 year old was 6 4 ) the resulting figure should be reduced for the accelerated benefit bearing in mind that the pension would not have been paid before age 65 .
27 If the regulatory body does its sums correctly , it will then allow the monopolist to levy the minimum fixed charge necessary to ensure that the monopolist breaks even after allowing for all relevant economic costs .
28 What happened on the land depended partly on economic , technical and demographic factors which , allowing for all local peculiarities and lags , operated on the scale of the globe , or at least of large geographical-climatic zones , and on institutional factors ( social , political , legal , etc. ) which differed much more profoundly , even when the general trends of world development operated through them .
29 One exemption not to be overlooked is the normal expenditure exemption under which a taxpayer who has a considerable amount of net income arising over the years is able to make gifts into a discretionary trust out of his income provided the expenditure is normal and that , after allowing for all transfers of value forming part of his normal expenditure , the transferor was left with sufficient income to maintain his normal standard of living ( IHTA 1984 , s21 ) .
30 Then Harald Szeemann proposed a new approach , allowing for personal mythologies .
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