Example sentences of "carried out the " in BNC.

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1 Ke Pauk was in charge of the central zone of Cambodia under Pol Pot , and carried out the purges of Khmer Rouge cadres in the Eastern zone in 1977 and 1978 which forced many to flee to Vietnam , including Hun Sen and Heng Samrin , currently Prime Minister and President of the Phnom Penh government .
2 In the 1950s , Professor Paul carried out the first experiments using a form of magnetic bottle — the ‘ Paul trap ’ — to isolate ionised atoms .
3 ‘ Ours was a humble part of the operation but we were all full of admiration for the crews that carried out the raid in such difficult conditions . ’
4 The crew , moving rapidly yet almost soundlessly , carried out the few jobs required to convert the land vehicle to a boat , and within seconds the rigs slid rapidly into the dark water and powered away to swing out their ramps and couple together in twos and threes .
5 In the hospital kitchen there was a gulf between those who were meant to be in charge and those who actually carried out the work .
6 ‘ I first noticed them when they carried out the hospital nursery raid about three years ago .
7 ‘ It would n't surprise me , ’ Masha said , ‘ if Likud carried out the massacre . ’
8 It was he who carried out the Stalinist purges which lasted from 1949 to 1953 .
9 From time to time he was instructed to raise money by conducting sales of wood from the king 's demesne , and he carried out the king 's policy regarding mining in the forest , which wavered between a desire to increase the Forest revenues and concern lest the vert be destroyed .
10 But Dr Neil Harris , of the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment , which carried out the four-month study , said its conclusions , although serious , were not yet cause ‘ to walk around London with a hat on ’ .
11 Animal rights activists claimed yesterday they carried out the arson attack that destroyed the Becher 's Brook jump on the Grand National course at Aintree , Liverpool .
12 Dr Steven Clarke , a GP in Camberley , Surrey , who carried out the survey , says the results highlight wide disparity in the use of thermometers .
13 Contract Procedure and Payments : the farmer wishing to have contract work carried out normally gave 4–5 days ' notice ; the administrator located a suitable machine not being used by its owner on the required date , and the operator collected the machine and carried out the work ; the farmer paid the group the agreed rate per acre for the work done ; the group paid the owner of the machine the agreed rate for the hire of the machine ; the operator was paid for the hours worked .
14 Most of the part-time farmers were middle aged and their wives , aided by parents , carried out the daily livestock work .
15 Brand New Product Development , PA 's partner in its ‘ springboard ’ product development service , commissioned and interpreted the positioning market research for the project and carried out the brand design concepts for Fort Sterling .
16 Li carried out the X-ray work at LMB , the European Molecular Biology Laboratory outstation in Hamburg and on the Synchrotron Radiation Source at Daresbury .
17 The Emperor provided the will and the authority ; Haussmann carried out the schemes for which the stability of the regime , linked to its economic growth and prosperity , provided the money .
18 Theorists carried out the calculations for the routes which involve emitting one or two gluons in the early 1980s .
19 Joseph Redemayer and Joseph Hager carried out the frescos .
20 The scagliola work is by K. Schartzmann ; Abondio Bolla carried out the stucco decoration and Ferdinand Drack , the wood carving .
21 He carried out the raid on the night of 24 December and would have taken at least three days to return to Jalo .
22 Myddelton carried out the work at his own expense , but the city corporation was responsible for building and maintaining bridges ‘ for the passage of the King 's subjects over the said river or cut ’ .
23 Charles-Henri ( 1740–93 ) , chief public executioner under the ancien régime , who continued in office during the Revolution , and who carried out the guillotining of Louis XVI .
24 In one instance various methods were contemplated to abate the odour from a maggot farm without success , catalytic incineration finally proving successful , and in another extreme case a company carried out the following trials , without success , in an attempt to abate the odour emanating from their factory :
25 In New York , Robert Schwartz , chairman of the Tarrytown Group of New York , offered $10000 to the person who actually carried out the best test of the hypothesis .
26 The surgeons in Utah who carried out the first artificial heart operation are still waiting to see how their patient manages before carrying out any more operations .
27 Drs Richard Lansdown and William Yule of the Institute of Psychiatry , who carried out the preliminary studies , looked at primary school children in London and Leeds .
28 When Soviet doctors carried out the autopsy on Hitler 's partially burned body they could only find one testicle , lending credence to the popular wartime ditty that the German dictator was indeed deficient in this intimate area .
29 From 1879 to 1905 Peach carried out the palaeontological duties in Scotland in addition to his many field commitments .
30 The nurses carried out the usual steam tent preparations while I gave the child one dose of aconite .
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