Example sentences of "to build up [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The tariff issue was therefore full of danger for Baldwin , not so much because of its content as because it could be exploited by those who wished to build up discontent against the spirit of ‘ Safety first ’ .
2 To build up happiness in his life , this man will now face a long , slow rebirth of all his emotions , growing as a Christian through the support of others .
3 He said the company had not called on shareholders for funds since 1985 and had spent recent years chasing funds to build up income producing assets .
4 Even more did this apply to economic power — witness the failure of repeated attempts to build up copartnership or anything resembling profit-sharing in industry .
5 CACI have used a gravity model in order to build up catchment areas around each defined shopping centre .
6 There was very little waiting around , and then only to build up suspense .
7 Nakane 's work has a more voluntaristic approach , but even she writes about the assertive techniques that management uses to build up company identification of workers .
8 Successful applicants will be able to build up entitlement to normal benefits such as concessionary mortgages .
9 But there are no easy solutions ; it is hard , for example , to imagine the EC countries deciding overnight to forget their searing battles over agricultural policy and return to the old days of costly subsidies and surpluses in order to build up buffer stocks to higher levels .
10 The supplier needs to build up awareness , understanding and interest in his products in the mind of the gatekeeper , whether this be a buying department , technical specialist , or both .
11 One of the aims of both Tim Grant and myself has been to build up expertise and knowledge of expert systems within the Engineering Branch .
12 In ‘ underdeveloped ’ societies , the socialist , capitalist or communist elites have to find means to coerce or cajole people into working in order to build up wealth in their previously exploited economies .
13 They informed to curry favour and to build up credit against being informed on themselves , but also out of ambition , spite , jealousy and almost every other nasty motive found in human nature .
14 Now he has a training programme for the week-end to try to build up stamina . ’
15 This is because there has not been sufficient time to build up goodwill connected with the name and , hence , there is little danger that the public will be confused .
16 Their main function is to build up goodwill and pave the way for future sales .
17 The core policies of Reaganomics were to free the incomes of the rich through fiscal munificence while squeezing welfare payments to encourage the poor to find work ; to stimulate speculation in almost every imaginable commodity , in deference to the mystique of the fast buck ; to build up defence spending , but cut almost everything else .
18 The successive rounds of the game give us the opportunity to build up trust or mistrust , to reciprocate or placate , forgive or avenge .
19 ‘ I think it takes a long while for The Wedding Present to build up trust in someone .
20 He says they 'll bring food to them every day to build up trust .
21 They need time to build up trust and tell their story .
22 CACI used computer techniques to build up shopping centre analyses from raw data which covered a representative sample of all retail activity .
23 A few years at work in a friendly tax climate might give you the chance to build up capital , and to keep it somewhere out of harm 's way .
24 One farmer/contractor was transferring income from his contracting business to build up capital on the farm for long term family objectives .
25 Many keen to set up in business will also be hampered because they have been unable to build up capital .
26 Mr Temple also had a word of warning on the use of endowment policies to build up capital .
27 They had some support amongst officials at court , but they had not troubled to build up support amongst the magnates or the lesser landowners .
28 For most of the period from 1912 to 1945 Rhee lived in the United States where he was eventually to build up support from American friends , who assisted in financing his activities .
29 Outflanking Imelda Marcos , Cojuangco emerged as the leading right-wing opposition contender , continuing his campaign to build up support in the former Marcos bastions of northern Ilocos province and the Cagayan valley , and in the Mindanao and the crucial Visayas , estimated to represent some 21 per cent of the total vote .
30 Equally , faith grows and flourishes when it is well nourished and exercised , so the best way to resist doubt is to build up faith rather than simply to fight against doubt .
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