Example sentences of "replaced by [art] " in BNC.

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1 In April 1992 , for people disabled before the age of 65 Attendance Allowance will be replaced by a new benefit — the ‘ Disability Living Allowance ’ .
2 In March 1991 the Government announced that the community charge will be replaced by a new system of local tax .
3 The pivotal notion of Spandau prison being pulled down and replaced by a supermarket was one which greatly excited Brenton , signifying at a stroke both Western Europe 's descent into cynical consumerism and the wiping out of history .
4 The red star would probably be replaced by a red rose , the huge portrait of Lenin at headquarters might be taken down .
5 - You notice that the section of your local supermarket which has stocked picnic and barbecue material since the birth of time has suddenly disappeared and been replaced by a new section stocking wrapping paper , crackers and tinsel decorations .
6 After Brunnhilde throws herself on to the pyre Valhalla comes to an end , to be replaced by a new era of human love .
7 Some cultural universals can be observed from the work of A H Maslow , who hypothesised a hierarchy of needs , whereby the satisfaction of a lower need will result in its being replaced by a higher need .
8 The wartime commentator 's jingoistic jangle was this time replaced by a solemn voice , and we were confronted with pictures of moving skeletons , some of them smiling weakly and making slow gestures .
9 state welfare to be replaced by a scheme of payments and vouchers ;
10 The traditional post-war argument between different kinds of interventionism has been replaced by a much broader debate .
11 It had been decided in July 1944 that the Cabinet Committee on post-War Civil Aviation should be wound up and replaced by a Minister responsible specifically for this area of policy .
12 He , and others like him , were answered by Rousseau , who argues that the social contract which established private property was really the origin of exploitation and had to be replaced by a new social contract .
13 The Lights are a shimmering green waterfall that grows in intensity , then dies slowly to be replaced by a separate show in another part of the sky .
14 An elder brother would come to Britain , return , and be replaced by a younger brother — and so on .
15 Gone is the rather conservative ‘ up-and-down ’ architecture of the previous model 's facia , replaced by a full-blown exposition of the currently fashionable ( especially with the Japanese ) organic look with its attendant curves and soft edges .
16 Proof positive of the enduring shape of the design came in 1969 when the original two-litre V6 was replaced by a 2.4-litre unit , the model designation changing to 246 as a result .
17 The residual top section of glass within the arched section at the head of each window was replaced by a panel of glass directly bedded in the stonework .
18 In terms of consistency of architectural style , this was a regrettable change , because Pearson 's carefully crafted High Victorian Gothic treatment of tall sash-windows spanned by pointed arches of ‘ polychromatic ’ brickwork was replaced by a much more utilitarian brick ‘ box ’ , fenestrated with standard steel-framed casements arranged horizontally and contrasting strongly with the pre-existing forms .
19 No miller was allowed to buy or sell grain or flour except surplus toll corn until after the reign of Elizabeth I and although the influence of the soke began to wane during the seventeenth century , toll-in-kind was not replaced by a monetary charge until an act of 1796 .
20 The rest of the ground floor , occupying the Victorian extension of the main block , converted satisfactorily into a garage , boiler room and tankroom for oil storage once the existing timber floor of this section had been replaced by a concrete slab .
21 The loading door formerly incorporated in the east elevation of the extension was replaced by a large fixed window of plate glass .
22 But this sophisticated attempt to deal with exhibitor resistance to British films was ruled illegal by the US Justice Department in 1946 and had to be replaced by a less ambitious system , in which Rank 's films were sold on their merits .
23 The Hungarian news agency MTI said yesterday that the 1.6 tonne steel star would be replaced by a weather vane .
24 But one that has had the error beep replaced by a robotic voice screaming ‘ Attention ! ’ is likely to have the opposite effect , as is one that ingests a floppy disc accompanied by a long drawn out grumble taken from a soggy passage in the Star Wars trilogy .
25 Mr Dienstbier said the new Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , did not yet appear to be a ‘ strong and flexible politician ’ , and indicated he would be acceptable in the post only on condition that President Gustav Husak step down , to be replaced by a non-Communist head of state .
26 The grade two listed buildings on the Mappin and Webb site opposite the Mansion House are to be replaced by a single new building comprising offices , shops , a restaurant and a pub .
27 It has now been replaced by a new colonnade .
28 Although the large Gothic window of the chapel was replaced by a smaller one , and bay windows were added a few years later , it is still , in Pugin 's own words , ‘ the only modern building that is complete in every part in the ancient style ’ .
29 According to present plans , the wide-field camera will be replaced by a space-shuttle mission in 1993 .
30 We shall see that since 1925 this code is now replaced by a new scheme of intestate succession , which applies to all the property of a deceased person ( see pp. 111–13 ) .
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