Example sentences of "begun [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During Edward 's short reign , England had grown much closer to continental Protestantism and had begun to embrace the nascent Protestant internationalism being fostered by Calvin at Geneva .
2 Whatever the reticence of archaeologists on the matter — perhaps they fear being thought fanciful by their academic colleagues — excavations have begun to confirm the details in legends and myths .
3 From the curvature of the arc , I had already begun to estimate the position of the hub .
4 It had begun to ascend the stairs … and then the weariness had overcome it .
5 Largely as a result of Donald Griffin 's book The Question of Animal Awareness ( Rockefeller UP , 2nd ed 1981 ) , ethologists have begun to re-examine the issue of animal intellect and to ask whether the organisms they study are , as we presume ourselves to be , something more than mere mindless circuitry .
6 Feminist research has begun to restore the balance by researching women 's lives , by demonstrating how far British society is dominated by men , by reinterpreting evidence originally produced by men , and by devising techniques suited to researching women 's issues .
7 Setting up of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell had been agreed in October 1945 ; approval to build the first British atomic pile for the production of plutonium had been given in December ; the Chiefs of Staff had stated their requirement for a British manufactured atomic bomb in January 1946 ; William Penney ( later Sir William ) had begun to plan the Atomic Weapons Section of the Armaments Research Establishment , of which he was Director , in mid-1946 ; the Air Ministry placed its first requisition for an atomic bomb on the Ministry of Supply in August ; and Lord Portal , the wartime Chief of Air Staff , who had become Controller of Atomic Energy in the Ministry of Supply , sought a mandate from the Prime Minister to set atomic bomb development in train during the autumn of 1946 .
8 Officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) have already done an inventory of existing research programmes and begun to plan an interdisciplinary , global strategy to address issues ranging from non-point sources of pollution to sustainable development .
9 By the 1990s the change to the meritocrats had begun to affect the highest levels of the party .
10 The necessity for longer periods with individual readers has begun to affect the organisation of reading in the classroom ; the teacher finds that he or she needs more time .
11 It had begun to claim a concern for cities as a whole : how they looked , how they functioned and how people lived in them .
12 In any event , she had begun to like the idea of a secret .
13 She had begun to like the gardens , and the robin , and Martha and Dickon and their mother .
14 The organisers had already begun to promise a strong local bill topped by the two biggest attractions in Manchester at the time , The Chameleons and , of course , The Smiths .
15 A decade later , society had begun to sense the triviality of this approach — ‘ splitting pubic hairs ’ , as the BBFC described it .
16 And once that has begun to change , the peasant is off because he , he , he , he 's begun to see a new world that he can realize .
17 The Commission so stirred the Poles , that while it had initially been possible for them to buy up Polish estates for German settlement , by 1898 , when the Prussian Landtag voted an additional 100 million marks for the Commission 's use , the Poles had already begun to see the sale of land to the Commission as a crime against the nation and had begun to organise their own agricultural co-operatives and credit unions .
18 But customers , too , have only recently begun to see the big picture : IBM is not just going through a bad patch , it is in serious , perhaps critical , trouble .
19 As my own confidence in working investigatively has grown I have begun to see the potential of chance events like the appearance of the padlock .
20 In the central larghetto his playing had begun to acquire a more settled , finely sculpted poise , eventually coming fully into its own in an auspicious , perceptively shaped , at once freshly and eloquently pointed finale .
21 Her legs had begun to acquire a nice , even tan , and she slipped her feet into a pair of sandals before brushing her still damp hair into a ponytail .
22 The Germans , some seventy-five miles north-east of Paris , had begun to pound the capital with shells from three extra-long-range guns .
23 Work has begun to demolish a council housing estate built almost seventy years ago .
24 The blow was almost as great for John , who had begun to enjoy a family background after years of being on his own or part of a split family .
25 Then , just as we had begun to enjoy the blissful peace and calm of spring , the wedding season reached its climax .
26 His output in these later years shows that he made every effort to adapt to changing economic circumstances : Austria was then at war with the Ottoman Empire , and the war effort had begun to drain the financial resources of the upper-class patrons on whose support Mozart relied .
27 And she had dragged herself to her feet again and watched as the man called Duvall had sadistically begun to kill the boy who had protected her .
28 By 1915 , Modigliani had begun to paint the portraits reproduced in every art book : Paul Guillaume , his dealer ; the painter Moise Kisling ; the fat child ; the bride and groom .
29 We returned in December 1991 and , having established my studio on Auckland 's north shore , I have begun to paint the landscape and coastline of this part of the island .
30 Now , however , contemporary critiques of the notion of the subject ( see , for example , Heideggerian phenomenology , structuralism , psychoanalysis or Derrida 's deconstruction ) have begun to dismantle the assumptions concealed in the notion of subjectivity .
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