Example sentences of "to hold out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given their weakened state , the Dutch had done well to hold out for so long .
2 He was dismayed by the vendor 's agents who confirmed they and their client were determined to hold out for double the offer .
3 Earlier , he dismissed Labour 's invitation to join its inquiry into electoral reform as a ‘ short-term tactical move ’ and delivered his strongest warning yet to his rivals not to underestimate his party 's determination ‘ at every level ’ to hold out for a clear commitment to proportional representation as its price for a coalition deal .
4 With Amstrad shares edging ahead to 29p , just 1p below the offer price , analysts were expecting shareholders to hold out for a better offer .
5 The pro-English party must have realised , however , that neither they nor their masters in London were in a position to hold out for long .
6 Provided we take enough water with us there 's no reason why we should n't be able to hold out for a considerable time in the banqueting hall , which is in a far better situation for defence … and let me remind you that with every passing day , relief comes nearer … perhaps as much as twenty miles nearer with every day 's march …
7 This ‘ bad faith ’ operates among the doctors and pharmacists who allow their knowledge and skill to be abused ; among the politicians who wish to see themselves as community benefactors , while knowing full well that they are nothing of the sort ; and even among the poor who are so often critical of the medical ‘ care ’ they receive yet continue to hold out for a medical solution to their social and economic problems .
8 Greece sought until the last moment to hold out for a higher ceiling than the 60,500 transit licences offered to Greek lorries .
9 After managing to hold out for several months against Paul 's pressurising , she had agreed to the engagement only a few days before this trip .
10 And whether they 're coming or not , that city is going to hold out to starvation point and beyond , so long as it believes in a rescue . ’
11 In comparison to the way in which fraud , obfuscation and inanity have been able to hold out in other fields — from politics and religion to scholarship and law — it is an impressive record .
12 You can not will yourself to hold out against reality .
13 Do it when times are bad and that is an excuse for those whose jobs are threatened to pin the blame upon — and to hold out against — the proposed innovation .
14 I was never sure about their ability to hold out against physically stronger packs , but they have proved me wrong time and again with Paul Arnold and Richard Moriarty back to their best .
15 Despite an obvious desire to hold out against its bigger competitors , Phillips have been forced to give in on the issue of increased buyers ' premium .
16 It was a strongly-built castle on an excellent defensive site and the garrison of thirty knights was able to hold out against Richard 's artillery train for nearly two months , but eventually its lord , Arnald de Boville , was forced to capitulate .
17 An example of her power : scared as he was , the boy Nikolai had managed to hold out against telling them of her destination until it was too late for them to prevent her from reaching it .
18 All they have to do is to hold out against substandard systems and apply pragmatic criteria in the face of technical jargon .
19 On Oct. 8 the United Kingdom had entered the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European monetary system of the European Communities ( EC ) , but at the subsequent European Council meeting in Rome Thatcher had been isolated in her opposition to an early move towards the second stage of economic and monetary union ( EMU ) and in the strength of her determination to hold out against the possible ultimate introduction of a single European currency [ see pp. 37782-73 ] .
20 The pro-Gamsakhurdia forces , who organized strikes and demonstrations and a media and transportation blockade of the East , were demoralized by their leader 's failure to make further public appearances , and ultimately lacked the necessary firepower to hold out against superior forces .
21 France was virtually the only kingdom of central Europe to hold out against papal influence .
22 There has been much conjecture about a lack of motivation at lower levels in the Iraqi formations , as contrasted with that displayed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards , or Pasdaran , whose commitment and capacity to hold out against Iraqi superiority in equipment were important features of the war 's early years .
23 Handsome , confident , knowing exactly what he wanted , and what she ought to want , it had been hard — no , virtually impossible in her depressed state — to hold out against him .
24 But still she doubted her ability to hold out against him .
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