Example sentences of "to hold [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I can do that holding the edge actually , have to hold the tall side .
2 To hold the central rate steady in real terms ( thus maintaining competitiveness and , it follows , a financeable current-account position ) , it must be devalued in nominal terms — just enough to offset the inflation-rate differential .
3 The attempt to hold the annual procession on the feast-day itself , 1 September , with a substitute statue borrowed for the occasion from the Greyfriars , produced a riot ; ‘ the Grey Friars gaped , the Black Friars blew , the priests panted and fled ’ — and the Greyfriars lost their statue , its head shattered on an Edinburgh causeway .
4 • Adhesive Knit to hold the 2nd skin in place and reduce friction .
5 Square seals , often surmounted by dragons , and boxes to hold the necessary wax satisfied a basic requirement of a high official at his desk .
6 The man claiming to hold the former all-Ireland Derby winner , who vanished from a field , spoke with a deep southern Irish accent .
7 You' 11 find that after a few accumulated hours of stunting , one handle will have to be held back a little from the other to hold the overhead soaring position of the kite .
8 Lochnagar seemed to hold the ancient spirit of the land .
9 Moran 's opera concentrates on the Family 's life together at the remote Spahn Ranch , the Tate murders and Manson 's subsequent trial , all of which is delivered in an impressionistic style with no real narrative structure to hold the separate elements of the tale together .
10 Their plan is to hold the Western powers to ransom with the threat of using atomic bombs stolen during a NATO training mission — unless they receive £1million in diamonds .
11 The new army had to hold the Western Front after the demoralization of the French , following General Nivelle 's failed offensive of 16 April-21 May 1917 and did it with such success , that Allied victory became a possibility in 1918 .
12 This expresses the willingness of buyers of bills to hold the existing stock .
13 In Fig. 5.2 , the discount market is no longer willing ( is no longer able ) to hold the existing stock of bills .
14 Grant forced himself to hold the challenging stare of the glittering black eyes for what seemed an age , but what was in fact only a few seconds .
15 It was impossible for him to have escaped on his own for the door was secured by a wedge , pushed through a hasp to hold the hinged staple in place .
16 They totalled only some 10,000 regulars , perhaps 3000 of whom were needed to hold the 38 fortified strongholds in the country , particularly Plymouth , Portsmouth and Tilbury .
17 This is the ORACLE account which will be used to hold the transferred LIFESPAN data .
18 The government and the ANC proposed after talks last week to hold the two-day planning conference next week , but Mr Meyer said yesterday that the ANC had accepted the new date .
19 In view of the devastation , the unemployment and the misery caused to our people , is it any wonder that the Prime Minister is so reluctant to hold the general election ?
20 Siome news in brief — the fatal accident inquiry into drug deaths in Glasgow has just ended with the sheriff telling the parents of the victim that while he understood their feelings of helplessness and grief , it was n't his function to hold the general inquiry into the misuse of drugs .
21 ITN sources say that the Prime Minister will consider this weekend whether to hold the General Election on April the ninth .
22 " Space travel " immediately involves , not only astronomy and engineering , but mathematics and physics to hold the wilder speculators in check , and religion and literature to stimulate the creative imagination .
23 Eventually , the rate of interest will reach Oi 2 at which point firms and households are induced to hold the increased money supply in speculative balances .
24 The manoeuvring goes on : Boris Yeltsin appears to have backtracked slightly on the powers he has assumed to by-pass the Supreme Soviet , although he still intends to hold the planned referendum ; meanwhile the parliament has called a full session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to impeach the president , but there is uncertainty about whether the hardliners can actually muster a sufficient majority .
25 Thereafter he did well to hold the round together , being helped by Palmer 's improvement which included him holing a 75ft putt for a two in a first-round 75 .
26 Its basic approach is to use frames to hold the various elements of a page layout .
27 On the other hand , we could see areas where we continued to hold the best cards and could build on our strengths .
28 Towards the end of the 3-day FFA meeting , the Japanese , ‘ in a spirit of goodwill and co-operation' ’ , offered to hold the drift-net fleet for 1989–90 to the same level as the previous season — 60 vessels .
29 This system will not have the on- line storage capacity to hold the complete OED at one time .
30 In practice many designers prefer to hold the complete record in the master file , as this avoids the problem of assembling information about attributes possessed by the record but not specifically referenced in the request .
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