Example sentences of "grown in the " in BNC.

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1 With infinite delicacy forget-me-nots and rosebuds , croci and oak leaves are chiselled out of native lime ( grown in the grounds of the palace itself ) and slotted into ancient floral compositions which , but for a discarded cigarette in the grace and favour flats above , could perhaps have remained undisturbed for the next 300 years .
2 I think it has grown in the telling .
3 He realized the boy had grown in the two months since he had last seen him and looked at him carefully , noticing the way his wrists poked out of the shirt and the slight roughness of the clear skin .
4 Tea is not grown in the United States and , even today , most Americans prefer coffee .
5 A tuber , similar to Jerusalem artichokes in habit , that is grown in the East Indies , China and Japan .
6 Ragu Bolognese p84 Raisins p61 Raspberry & Hazelnut Vinaigrette p28 Rice p56 Rice , Arborio p57/ Italian round grain rice , used for risotto , also called risotto rice Rice , Basmati p57/ A fine , long-grain rice grown in the Himalayas Rice , Brown p56/ Unpolished rice still containing bran but with the husk removed Rice , wild p57/ A brown grain grown in North America and having a nutty flavour Risotto Milanese p58/ A rich rice dish containing butter and Parmesan cheeses Risotto , Suppertime p13
7 Mint grown in the border must have its roots restricted in a buried container
8 Nymansay is reckoned to be the hardiest , and was first grown in the gardens of Nymans in West Sussex .
9 This is grown in the Coteaux du Languedoc , the hillier part of the unfashionable Midi .
10 BREAD made from spelt , a type of grain first grown in the late Stone Age , is poised to become a new ‘ health-food ’ , a miller of organic flour forecast yesterday .
11 The model orchard shows how apples and pears were grown in the 1950s compared with modern methods , and the strawberries look as mouthwatering as always .
12 Some cereals were grown in the south but around Tregarron rape was the only non-grass crop grown .
13 In the following year , having recently seen madder , Rubia tinctorum , grown and processed for dye in Holland , he asked if this commodity was grown in the north of England .
14 In compliance with the rules laid down by Sir Hans Sloane 's original deed of conveyance ( see p. 22 ) , dried and labelled specimens of fifty species grown in the Garden had to be sent each year to the Royal Society .
15 Crops could have been grown in it free of the manorial and village restrictions which controlled the crops which could be grown in the village fields .
16 The vegetables most commonly grown in the garden were also grown in the fields : these were the bean and the pea , the basic ingredients in most medieval peasant recipes .
17 The vegetables most commonly grown in the garden were also grown in the fields : these were the bean and the pea , the basic ingredients in most medieval peasant recipes .
18 The number of one-parent families has grown in the past two decades increasing by almost 80 per cent between 1971 — when there were just over half a million one parent families — and 1986 when there were just over a million .
19 The idea is to let the initial sample of urine that is passed wash away any bacteria that are found around the urethral meatus or in the urethra , so that , if any bacteria are grown in the laboratory , it will be reasonably certain that they reflect infection actually inside the bladder or kidneys .
20 By and large , however , the best arable crops are grown in the South and East whilst the North and West are devoted to livestock rearing .
21 When grown on strong , very fertile land , barley tends to lodge ; it is therefore grown in the later stages of a rotation when the fertility has been reduced .
22 In order to counteract the effects of malaria , they were frequently doped with opium , which was sold over the counter in the village shop or grown in the fens ( where Poppy Hill and Poppy Farm still exist as place-names ) .
23 So the tumour , if tumour it was , had grown in the last six months .
24 Either the tumour in my lung had grown in the last three and a half weeks , in which case it must be even more in evidence , or it had stood still , in which case today 's X-rays must be much the same as the previous ones , or it had diminished .
25 Some cattle are reared on permanent pasture on the lower slopes and a few fodder crops of grass , oats and potatoes are grown in the lower valleys .
26 Tom adds however that he has only ever seen a maximum of two wolf teeth grown in the upper jaw ; four wolf teeth are extremely rare .
27 The way that the church has grown in the meantime is simply through word of mouth .
28 Today nearly half of all the vines grown in the white wine vineyards of Champagne are of the Pinot Meunier variety — a practicality only possible because of Pérignon .
29 Generally speaking , the Chablis system is used for Chardonnay vines planted in the Côte des Blancs , the Cordon system for Pinot Noir vines in the Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne method for Pinot Meunier vines grown in the Marne valley .
30 And for someone in my position to make a jump from one thing to another and to be feeling better than I 've felt in ten years , feeling like I 'm at the top of my game creatively at the moment , must mean that I 've grown in the making of this album .
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