Example sentences of "drew in a " in BNC.

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1 She drew in a great sharp breath which shook her shoulders , then wiped the old man 's chin with a cloth .
2 Tammuz drew in a shuddering breath and glanced at the computer blinking serenely behind them .
3 She drew in a number of shallow breaths .
4 She now knelt down by Robbie Felton 's side and tentatively , she put her hand inside his thick blue cloth jacket , then drew in a long slow breath when she could feel the beating of his heart .
5 Agnes drew in a deep breath , then said , ‘ I 'm Miss Agnes Conway . ’
6 He drew in a deep icy breath , then straightened his shoulders , a habit he was forcing upon himself a lot of late , then made his way towards the kitchen , to be greeted by Mary with , ‘ He 's gone then ? ’
7 And I have a feeling- ’ She now drew in a long breath before resuming ‘ And it 's more than a feeling , it 's a certainty that , although we 're leaving here , being forced to leave here , we 'll return , for this is our home .
8 The rush over , Maggie drew in a long breath , and turning to the supervisor who was hovering in the background , she asked , ‘ All right if we go ? ’
9 She drew in a deep breath ; then , the cloth still in her hand , she turned about and went into the kitchen .
10 Aggie drew in a long breath and glanced at the child before answering Ben .
11 As the head snuggled into her and the thin arm came round her waist , Aggie drew in a long tight breath ; then when her own arm automatically went around the child , she closed her eyes tightly , because for the first time in her life she was feeling flesh close to her own .
12 Aggie drew in a long breath , bowed her head slightly and said , ‘ Aye , I know you did , love ; but come and sit down a minute . ’
13 She heard sounds from the kitchen and she drew in a sharp breath , Craig must have returned .
14 To the conventions of the romantic historical novel , then , Anthony Hope added the colour of society in his day and the pattern of love and courtship which appear , in a far less interesting way , in his novels of his own London society , and he drew in a more general way from the Victorian version of medieval chivalry , with its idealisation of woman and its desire for service to an ideal .
15 The same ideological pattern is to be found within the imperial , educational and commercial programme for " national efficiency " which from the 1890s , drew in a number of prominent figures from the worlds of politics , business , and " letters " .
16 Ruth drew in a breath .
17 He drew in a deep breath .
18 Then he snapped the top of the lighter down , drew in a mouthful of smoke , and let it out again slowly and meditatively .
19 And then , as Caspar drew in a shocked gasp , ‘ Caspar , what 's in there ? ’
20 Piper drew in a relieved breath as the wind fell .
21 It caught on his chin as he tilted his head up and drew in a breath of salted air .
22 She drew in a shaky breath .
23 She felt her heart swell , so full of love for him that it ached , and , blinking back the tears that blurred and fragmented his image , she drew in a deep , steadying breath and examined the wound .
24 He drew in a long , shuddering breath .
25 That had been some encounter ! she admitted as , regaining the sanctuary of the street , she drew in a deep breath of refreshing air before turning into the road which she remembered from her map-reading would lead her into a series of narrow streets closed to traffic , and known familiarly to the local inhabitants as Strøget .
26 He drew in a breath , his shoulders going back .
27 Her voice shattered , and she drew in a tremulous breath .
28 She did not hear the quiet tread on the carpet , and when Rourke came and sat down beside her she drew in a quick , shaky breath , and let the brush clatter to the floor .
29 Then she realised he was referring to their escape and drew in a shaky breath of relief .
30 He had hoped to waken her gently , but she drew in a small gasping breath .
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