Example sentences of "grew and the " in BNC.

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1 Water lay in the ruts and in some places marshy muddy patches had developed where water-grasses grew and the track had spread to pass them now on this side , now on that .
2 As the Polish-Russian grain and timber was diverted away from Danzig , the number of Polish bankruptcies grew and the number of Polish estates on the market climbed steadily .
3 The profits grew and the bank manager began to smile at Carrie whenever she paid in the weekly takings .
4 The second difficulty which arose as a result of the legal model 's reliance on the contractual conception of the company was the increasing artificiality of this analysis as the size of companies grew and the shareholders became increasingly passive investors .
5 Armed with the new empirical understanding of the human body and its function from Vesalius , Harvey , Malpighi , Hooke , Baillie , and others , respect for medicine grew and the profession expanded , although London and Edinburgh remained the only British medical schools .
6 He saw the bleak and unpromising moorland gain colour as the grasses grew and the flowers came .
7 As the scale of local government grew and the environment began to change more rapidly , it became apparent that services needed to be more closely integrated in order that they would meet the needs of the environment .
8 In the early days the Manning conference was quite an informal one day session , but as the service grew and the numbers of boats and crew members complicated the issue it was found necessary to extend to two days .
9 As family businesses grew and the social standing of their owners improved , the alewives became ladies , to be replaced by the common brewers of the newly chartered Guild or Corporation of the Brewers and Maltsters of Dublin .
10 Their popularity soon grew and the introduction of World Music to the West during the late 1980s catapulted the band to international recognition .
11 But then the traffic menace grew and the town , being on the A1 and without a bypass , began to suffer .
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