Example sentences of "work often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The dual nature of disciplines , as bodies of knowledge and bodies of people , means that the difficulties of interdisciplinary work often take a concrete rather than abstract form ( Squires 1975 ; Levin and Lind 1985 ) Even when academics espouse ‘ construct ’ views of knowledge , they may find it difficult , in indefinable as well as definable ways , to work together in cross-disciplinary teams .
2 All agreed they had a rough deal as their work often involved great pain .
3 Her work often refers to the truncated anatomy , as do the photographs of John Coplans and the paintings of John Wesley , the other two artists in the show .
4 I am employed here as a nurse in the premature baby intensive care unit and I 'm certainly kept very busy , the work often made more difficult but challenging in that I work alongside people from around 30 different countries .
5 But such work often involves using older and younger women as tests of psychological theories which were developed mainly from male samples , like theories of moral development ( Gilligan 1982 ) , adolescence ( Beckett 1986 ) , transfer into the job market ( Griffin 1986 ) , and middle age ( Barnett and Baruch 1985 ) .
6 I said that literary work often left me with a depressed feeling .
7 Because of the division of labour , work soon became the perpetual repetition of a simple task , or the minding of a machine ; such work often had to be done for fourteen hours a day , six days a week , and there were no special provisions for the women and very young children who were considered especially suitable for work in the textile industries .
8 And , even if it were just an American issue , how can one claim to represent American art properly in the period when women 's work often led the way without including some of the artists I 've mentioned .
9 His work often takes him there . ’
10 The work often occurs within a statutory framework because levels of risk and vulnerability are high .
11 From time to time this can be very beautiful but because there is a lack of continuity in the dance movement from one picture to the next , the resultant work often appears static .
12 Finally , a lack of work often excludes claimants from occupational pension schemes , which , together with owner-occupation , constitute one of the two most important forms of capital accumulation for the majority of the population .
13 In addition , lack of good , affordable pre-school and out-of-school childcare , and responsibility for the care of elderly relatives and household chores means that part-time work often seems the only practical option .
14 Going out straight from work often means a fast re-style on dry hair so revitalising mousses and sprays are essential .
15 One thing at least has become clear : their work often sat uneasily beside the dictums of its would-be publicists .
16 People who do shift work often choose far longer hours than the basic hours that the Labour party would have them work .
17 It must be remembered that the work often has to be moved by hand .
18 Nowadays , the exploration work often starts with images of the ground obtained by an orbiting satellite such as Landsat .
19 It is this area , especially in its safety aspects , that is the most important responsibility of the physical effects supervisor , whose work often ends where that of the optical effects supervisor is just really beginning .
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