Example sentences of "still wear [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Dave Brock used to go onstage in a lab-coat , so me and me mates used to finish school and still wear our lab-coats everywhere .
2 Islander still wears her original suit of sails .
3 The contemporary world is not entirely eschewed ; the baby still wears his romper suit .
4 She was still wearing her apron which , evidently , she had been using to wipe away her tears ; as a result there were grease marks all over her face , giving her the appearance of a participant in a minstrel show .
5 Then she leaned against it , realising that in spite of the fact that she was still wearing her ski jacket in the warm flat , she was shivering again .
6 As Meryl leaned forward in the alcove , poised to stand , Gladys emerged soundlessly from the ladies ' corridor , still wearing her garish dress .
7 Anthea Darnell sat wearily on the bedroom 's only chair , still wearing her black dress .
8 When found , she was still wearing her plum-coloured anorak , but her blue jeans are missing .
9 She was still wearing her school uniform and her socks were round her ankles .
10 When the door opened and Sister Cecilia came in , still wearing her kitchen apron , the whirling thoughts ceased and she said , ‘ Oh , Sister . ’
11 She was still wearing her Sunday clothes , black coat over a long dress , with matching gloves , hat and bag ; every Sunday she remembered those dear to her who had died — every Sunday she mourned .
12 She was still wearing her riding-clothes and the bright-pink polo-necked jersey matched the colour in her cheeks .
13 She was still wearing her slinky felinoid disguise , with mask , but I knew it was her .
14 Still wearing her fine cotton nightdress , she carried her coffee into the garden and sat , high above the other gardens and in total privacy .
15 Still wearing her full widow 's weeds , she was lying on her bed .
16 a ‘ wobbly voice ’ ( the woman was drunk ) — still wearing her dressing gown though it was past four o'clock … she was n't wearing much ;
17 This morning , having forced herself to her study , still wearing her dressing-gown and clutching a second cup of coffee as if it were attached to a lifeline , she began searching among her papers for the output of the previous day .
18 He was still wearing her father 's patched chausses and cotte , the short , rusty brown one she had mended for him ; it needed more mending now .
19 Englishwomen , some pushing their pushchairs along the winding muddy roads , other older ones fanning their faces with trembling hands and still wearing their coloured woolly hats .
20 The lads from the nail factory were still wearing their helmets .
21 Off to one side , several men , still wearing their mail hauberks , were warming themselves before the fire .
22 I crossed the room and picked it up , still wearing my coat .
23 That wonderful day ended on a most romantic note when I was taken to a lovely dinner in a large hotel , still wearing my floral dress .
24 There , not entirely surprisingly , was Montagu Clements , still wearing my sweater .
25 Monday night , straight from work , and I 'm in Ullapool , still wearing my cords but with a half-decent haircut .
26 I fell asleep , crouched beside the door , still wearing my clothes .
27 Buddie was still wearing his working clothes , though his big wellington boots with the turned-down tops were standing in the yard outside the kitchen door .
28 A story about a R.A.F. Flight-Sergeant who noticed that a recruit was still wearing his hat in church .
29 Hamilton was scrambled soon after midnight , still wearing his pyjamas , and soon spotted a Ju87 , an aircraft of 9/St.G I flown by Lt. Werner Zühlke , which he attacked and claimed shot down .
30 Each member of the family had his or her picture taken at least once : there , recorded for posterity , is father Benjamin , leaning back comfortably in a chair just as he had done when sitting for Mr. Adkin all those years before , still wearing his favourite ring on the little finger of his right hand .
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