Example sentences of "still [verb] enough " in BNC.

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1 But the left still has enough supporters in the unions and the constituencies to make a lot of noise and win some votes .
2 By the time it reaches the coasts of West Spitsbergen , the largest of the Svalbard group , the current , although much reduced in strength , still has enough energy , when coupled with the summer sun , to warm the sea temperature enough to keep the ice at bay .
3 So generous is this bequest by birds to their young that a chick needs no additional food from which to build the flesh and bones and feathers of its infant body , and it still has enough energy left over to break its way out of the shell .
4 She is an eagle of a special kind , strong and powerful and she still has enough power to put her strength in my wings .
5 I could do with the company and Mrs Manners has still got enough turkey to feed the third world and the poor Albanians .
6 In the event , when insurrections were attempted both in the area of Lang Son , on the Chinese border , in September , and in Cochinchina in November , they were repressed with little difficulty by the French colonial government which still deployed enough effective power to ensure that these were rather rash , forlorn , and certainly premature insurrections .
7 You will then still have enough material with which to create an attractive picture , rather than try to make a suitable design from a few odds and ends .
8 There 's stll Rocky and Tinkler in the wings , Wallace can play wide on either side and Speed can play in the middle , so we would still have enough cover .
9 Alice were having I said just lend me that twenty pound note cos you , and God knows what she thought the bill was I says I 've got seven pound , I says just lend me your twenty pound note , I says you 'll still have enough to pay I says and I 'll give you it back when I get home , you know ?
10 But although its thrust had been effectively blunted , it could still muster enough adherents to create large-scale upheaval in the Holy Land .
11 But even if we ca n't breed this beautiful little tetra in the vast numbers accounted for by the Far-Eastern fish farmers , we can still breed enough to have a fine shoal of Neons for our own tanks .
12 Its action should be stiff enough to cast accurately and not to ‘ give ’ too much when striking , but it should still retain enough of its shock-absorber effect to cushion the resistance of a slab-sided bream when first struck into .
13 Despite the fact that David was expelled in the third form for dissing the gym teacher who confiscated his Uzi and broke his crack-peddling ring , he still feels enough loyalty to the old alma mater not to drag its name through the mud by engaging the lads he fagged for in a ‘ naughty-word ’ style debate .
14 The enduring strength of post-war social and economic policy , for all its frequent and perceived failures , still commanded enough allegiance for the Conservatives to fight it with only danger to themselves .
15 In the midst of all this young life it was fortunate that the house was roomy enough for the professor still to get enough quiet and space to write .
16 ‘ This winter has been relatively mild and frost free , so birds like lapwing and golden plover have delayed their departure south to the farms and coastal areas of Scotland and England , and many are still finding enough food in Shetland .
17 The snake is still finding enough strength to thrash around as much as a flying snake might dare .
18 And mainframe sales still generate enough profit to enable it to do other things .
19 This will take four made up rods , landing net and accessories whilst still leaving enough room for several rods in cloth bags to be carried internally .
20 In fact they still had enough resilience to manage a try from short range by Fisher but another highly satisfactory night for the Kiwis ended with Kuiti scoring in the 79th minute and Bancroft landing his sixth goal .
21 He still had enough of his wits to take great care not to let his hands touch her or anything else , but she sensed he was on the edge of collapse .
22 In the third tier competition a beleaguered group of Romanian students , with little more than £30 spending money for a week in Hong Kong , still had enough brass to beat Papua New Guinea for the Bowl .
23 I asked Stephen — one of the two hapless fathers and himself reduced to a mulberry-eyed basket case — if he still had enough marbles to drive me to the station at Orvieto .
24 He set off at a fast lope , leaving her amazed that he still had enough energy to move so quickly , but also puzzled .
25 It is important to differentiate between timbers which have been so badly eaten that their strength has been reduced , necessitating replacement , and those which , though damaged , still contain enough sound wood to continue their original jobs .
26 Oh gosh , I wish there was forty eight hours in every day , and there were ten days in every week , and it 's still no good , with forty eight hours , they 'd still find enough to do , they 'd still be racing around all the time .
27 The distant winter sun still held enough heat to dry the sky of every shred of moisture .
28 At the start , when you still have enough energy to argue if you can see Schiehallion or not , and your first piece of chocolate has yet to be unwrapped , the distant peak beckoning on the far side of the ridge is sensational .
29 He can delegate other parts of his job and still have enough policy making decisions and planning left to keep him occupied .
30 Now I 've gone lazy but I still have enough gumption to realise the breakthrough is not going to be intellectual but spiritual .
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