Example sentences of "too late to " in BNC.

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1 Television includes Too Late to Talk to Billy , To the Lighthouse and The Boy in the Bush .
2 ‘ I take it it 's too late to be sober or sleep ? — Good .
3 Yo , it 's too late to be going to a accident .
4 This order was annulled on 26 October by the Smolensk guberniia party committee for being excessive and too late to be of any use .
5 This had flowered and fruited and , although too late to be included in the Dictionary it might be brought into a later supplement because several new plants had been omitted once their initial letter had been passed in the main work .
6 Later on they would be joined or replaced by others whose services were equally important but who came too late to be captured on canvas .
7 By then it is too late to be of any good to anyone , and particularly dad .
8 The only possible result of doing so is to discover mistakes that it is too late to correct .
9 Her cousin Elizabeth of Dorking 's £20 legacy was to arrive just too late to be of any comfort to her , and she died in the September , aged sixty-five .
10 It was too late to be worrying over any implications inherent in spending Christmas with the Danbys and now the day had dawned Meredith was rather pleased she was going to be with company , especially after her sighting of the whatever-it-was during the night .
11 IT is not too late to save thousands of miners ' jobs , says John Baker , boss of British Coal 's biggest customer National Power .
12 She was eighteen now , and it was too late to be a teenager .
13 By then a complete overhaul is often too late to be of much use .
14 If they already have a concept of themselves as black it will be too late to ‘ turn them white ’ .
15 Except for measures such as the Ribbon Development Act 1935 and the Green Belt Act 1938 , introduced too late to be effective , little was done to control this urban sprawl .
16 Unfortunately we know nothing about the predecessors of Spartokos , nor can archaeology help much , and we can not say whether dynastic troubles in the 450s might have caused shortages on the Athenian grain market ; the seizure of power by the Spartokids is too late to be relevant .
17 Almost too late to be of real use , a rehabilitation unit took her in and began the slow , hard work of helping her and her family reconstruct and make sense of their situation .
18 Well it 's never too late to start with good skin care .
19 For some it will be too late to fully recover more creative ways of asking the world to help them find what they need , rather than taking it brutally by theft , rape , or murder .
20 Remember , if you 've already had your trip , it 's not too late to book another .
21 But if you have n't got roses in your garden , it 's not too late to plant now .
22 It had come too late to be effective .
23 Smiling to herself at the thought , and confident that it was now too late to be interrupted further , Alexandra went upstairs .
24 We have had one or two comments on items announced in the Journal too late to be useful .
25 In the case of the white boy , we can rule out the possibility of " mother-tongue " interference because his first exposure to Creole was almost certainly rather late in life and too late to " interfere " with his acquisition of LE .
26 If it is established that the contract was actually concluded during the telephone or other conversation , the terms will be ineffective because they will be introduced too late to be part of the contract .
27 I hope that we will , I will debate even in this late hour , it 's not too late to debate this very important issue and let the people out there know that we are thinking of them , not just about the things that happened early on today but least that we are responsible enough to dis to discuss this motion and to press and press and press again so the government , hoping the government will do a U- turn , if you do n't you 'll be gone forever .
28 Those are the ones that are really going to matter , it 's too late to talk about an existing gear once it 's in production ,
29 and it 's not too late to vote for common sense and careful management .
30 ‘ At least three years too late to be able to help him . ’
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