Example sentences of "does [not/n't] say " in BNC.

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1 Salim states that he was having a rough time , and was tired and suspicious of Yvette : he does not say that a tribal god commanded him to leave her .
2 But the bishops ' statement does not say so .
3 No , Professor X , Pound does not say that Landor , or Landor at his best , is better than Keats ; and no , sir , he does not say that Chaucer is better than Milton .
4 No , Professor X , Pound does not say that Landor , or Landor at his best , is better than Keats ; and no , sir , he does not say that Chaucer is better than Milton .
5 Mr Patten 's new policy guidance does not say the South-east 's housing provision can be held static , and it reminds planners that their job is to provide an adequate flow of land into new housing .
6 That does not say much for the top chasers of the day , which are very thin on the ground .
7 Mrs Marcos does not say how much money she would turn over , or how big the Marcos fortune is .
8 In common with Bacon , Gassendi does not say that Aristotle is completely valueless : he acknowledges the greatness of his mind .
9 He does not say a lot about relations , and often treats them along with modes .
10 The young IBM salesman ( he works for IBM , not the store , although his name badge does not say so ) is more forthcoming on Amstrad .
11 It is unknown to find any subject of Her Majesty who does not say , when asked , that he cares passionately for the Health Service , and believes that more money should be spent on it .
12 Whose national interest , he does not say .
13 In what sequence these events took place , history does not say .
14 He does not say anything about its being most helpful to be allowed to create trusts using the words ‘ I do not doubt ’ .
15 Papinian does not say that intention alone is what matters , but only that it must be considered .
16 Listening to fellow colleagues , patients and relatives is an important skill , but we should also teach nurses to be aware of what the patient or relative does not say .
17 Canon Douglas began the custom at Tankersley in 1926 , having become ‘ well-acquainted ’ with it in another parish , though he does not say which .
18 Incidentally , it would be good to remember that Article nineteen does not say that ‘ The church is a congregation with Anglican style ’ but merely this :
19 Unfortunately A. Aldyss does not say how many of each fish there are in the tank .
20 What he characteristically does not say is that it was he who kept the Pythons together .
21 ‘ Naked I was sent back ’ , he says at one point ( recalling the story of Scyld ) , but he does not say who sent him .
22 He does not say ‘ nuclear fire ’ , but the thought fits .
23 He does not say that ‘ fair is foul ’ , like the witches in Macbeth .
24 He does not say ‘ It 's simply a matter of showing their souls ’ or ‘ bringing out their souls ’ .
25 One does not say of a cornflower that it looks blue — unless , of course , one wants to exhibit one 's sophistication in the matter of colours being ‘ secondary qualities ’ .
26 That one does not say of a cornflower that it looks blue is a linguistic point , not a psychological one .
27 But he gives only the outline of an answer to this question , for he does not say what the criteria are .
28 Ryle seems to imply that there are such criteria , but he does not say what they are .
29 Russell does not say what form the ‘ complicated arguments ’ about the validity of this argument might take , but the chapter in which it occurs is entitled ‘ Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description ’ , so it is reasonable to suppose that one thing that was bothering Russell was the possibility that a person who meaningfully uses the word ‘ I ’ does so in virtue of knowing something which he calls ‘ I ’ not by acquaintance , but by description .
30 Although Althusser does not say so , there is thus a puzzle at the heart of his interpretation of Marx .
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