Example sentences of "must [be] observed " in BNC.

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1 Iceland has , therefore , a surprisingly large number of National parks and nature reserves with regulations that must be observed by all visitors .
2 The eyes seemed to be staring at him with peculiar intensity , as though he were a rare specimen whose every move must be observed .
3 It must be observed to the contrary that Leapor 's ‘ Phoebus to Artemisia ’ describes Freemantle as a writer of verses :
4 It must be observed that the point of the mother 's stories was not that Daphne should embrace her sister shepherdesses in a sapphic idyll , but , very simply , that she should not allow herself to be seduced .
5 Before comparing these poets to Leapor , it must be observed in
6 The literary implications of economic dependence must be observed .
7 Information on dangerous ‘ new ’ substances from ELINCS and occupational exposure levels that must be observed under COSHH are also given .
8 A broad distinction must be observed between young-old people aged 65–74 , old-old people aged 75–84 , and very old people aged 85 and upwards .
9 Article 36 states that any conditions attached to the exercise of a right by a third party must be observed .
10 In order to start drawing useful inferences leading to sensible modifications of the material , we should also keep in mind these points : ( a ) the observer must thoroughly understand the curriculum designer 's aims and objectives and report in relation to these ( b ) it is necessary for the observer to understand how the teacher has interpreted these intentions ( c ) the curriculum designer must thoroughly understand the facts that the observer has brought back to him ; the dialogue that this implies can produce valuable suggestions for improving the unit ( d ) teachers of differing style must be observed and teachers at differing levels of acclimatization to the program must be observed to obtain full data ( e ) it is also important for the observer to understand which stage of development the unit has reached .
11 In order to start drawing useful inferences leading to sensible modifications of the material , we should also keep in mind these points : ( a ) the observer must thoroughly understand the curriculum designer 's aims and objectives and report in relation to these ( b ) it is necessary for the observer to understand how the teacher has interpreted these intentions ( c ) the curriculum designer must thoroughly understand the facts that the observer has brought back to him ; the dialogue that this implies can produce valuable suggestions for improving the unit ( d ) teachers of differing style must be observed and teachers at differing levels of acclimatization to the program must be observed to obtain full data ( e ) it is also important for the observer to understand which stage of development the unit has reached .
12 Again , certain caveats must be observed .
13 In his world these fixed points must be observed , if only because the servants expect them .
14 The catering business itself is regulated by various Acts of Parliament which impose duties and standards of conduct that must be observed .
15 If , on the other hand , one wishes to name the fast-food outlet ‘ The Saucy Sausage ’ , then certain formalities must be observed .
16 We shall confine ourselves here to the statutory requirements which must be observed .
17 Indeed , even without having to go so far as the Commission of the European Communities did at the hearing in arguing that registration itself already constitutes a form of establishment , it must be observed that in any event registration is a precondition for taking up and pursuing activities in the fisheries sector .
18 It must be observed that in this case , leaving aside the nationality requirements , the residence and domicile requirements apply without distinction to British citizens and to nationals of other member states .
19 In this connection , it must be observed that whilst the right of establishment implies physical location in the territory of the country of establishment , it does not require that a person exercising the right should have his residence or , a fortiori , his principal residence or domicile , in the territory of that country .
20 It must be observed in the first place that , as Community law stands at present , competence to determine the conditions for the registration of vessels is vested in the member states .
21 It must be observed in that regard that the concept of establishment within the meaning of articles 52 et seq .
22 In that connection , it must be observed that the concept of the ‘ nationality ’ of ships , which are not persons , is different from that of the ‘ nationality ’ of natural persons .
23 Secondly , it must be observed that it is not the purpose of national legislation governing the registration of vessels , such as that at issue in the main proceedings , to define the detailed rules for the utilisation of quotas .
24 With respect to the first part of the question , it must be observed that the concept of ‘ matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict ’ serves as a criterion for defining the scope of one of the rules concerning the special jurisdictions available to the plaintiff .
25 With respect to the second part of the question , it must be observed , as already indicated above , that the ‘ special jurisdictions ' enumerated in articles 5 and 6 of the Convention constitute derogations from the principle that jurisdiction is vested in the courts of the State where the defendant is domiciled and as such must be interpreted restrictively .
26 But the constitution 's separation of powers , or more accurately functions , must be observed if judicial independence is not to be put at risk .
27 There are other matters which must be observed , e.g. short runs , which may require an umpire 's attention away from the fielding incident .
28 There is not space to discuss here even briefly the many controversial issues raised in the literature on corporatism , but in so far as territorial politics are concerned , it must be observed that even if there was or is a trend towards greater centralisation of political representation , this does not at all mean that there might not also be a functional deconcentration towards the periphery in specific cases .
29 It must be observed that only with difficulty and in a highly tentative manner can one find common ground between the theories discussed here ; in this conversation the participants are talking past one another .
30 At the outset of a free fight certain rules must be observed by the fighter .
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