Example sentences of "must [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 There are clearly — even just for music — a variety of options , and the school must eventually come down for one pattern of timing rather than another .
2 And even if these are all positive , the end must eventually come .
3 There was no year on the letters , but they must necessarily come after the publication of Ash 's dramatic poems , Gods , Men and Heroes , which had appeared in 1856 and had not , contrary to Ash 's hopes and perhaps expectations , found favour with the reviewers , who had declared his verses obscure , his tastes perverse and his people extravagant and improbable .
4 Whereas Moscow tried to pose as the champion of German unity therefore , the West posed as the defender of German liberty , arguing that reunification must only come after free nation-wide elections , and that Germany should be able to choose its own Allies .
5 However , while the resolution of the immediate crises in the user 's life and the provision of a counselling service to help users think objectively about their position may provide the ‘ ideal conditions ’ for coming off , users must still come to terms with their addiction , their lifestyle and whether the alternatives on offer hold sufficient promise .
6 Thomas Malthus , first theorist of the dependency society and the true ancestor of present Conservative policies ( rather than Adam Smith , the preferred model ) , believed that women must always come off worst in the ‘ disgraceful ’ condition of poverty .
7 But the ideals of the purist must always come to grief in the devastating vortex of national politics .
8 ‘ Remember , your career must always come first . ’
9 The bird must always come first , he would tell us over and over again .
10 As emphasized in Section 17.4 , linear stability theory does not in principle predict the type of motion that eventually occurs as a result of this growth — non-linear processes must always come into play before that stage .
11 He added : ‘ There is important work to be done and America must always come first so we will get behind the new president and wish him well . ’
12 ‘ Why , you must both come with us , ’ said Fräulein Müller to Karelius ' gratification , the more so as he glimpsed the chagrin in Lapointe 's dark face .
13 ‘ You must both come and stay , ’ she said impulsively , ‘ as soon as ever you can . ’
14 He must also come to an agreement with the customer with regard to performance characteristics , key schedule dates , costs , and funding .
15 The Kawasakis of Alan Irwin , Ian Simpson and Jim Moodie must also come into the equation , together with the Yamahas of Rymer , Johnny Rea and Alan Patterson , who is making the step up to Superbike for the first time .
16 I must also come in when I am told and sit down and eat my meals properly and not run out into the street with a slice of bread in my hand .
17 ‘ That the time must inevitably come when we will have to control the right to reproduce ?
18 Charlton is unlikely to make any alterations to his squad until the weekend before the game , but Newcastle United skipper Liam O'Brien and veteran Blackburn defender Kevin Moran must now come into the reckoning .
19 I want to hear from the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East , because the Opposition must now come clean .
20 Police investigating the incident at Rose Hill say residents must now come forward if they know anything .
21 However the conservationists and oil companies both agree that President Bush must now come up with a viable energy policy .
22 But the report was adamant that , with the retention of the seven-hour day , wages must immediately come down .
23 The thought must indeed come to mind with probability theory and the Probability Calculus , and their being imported into causation , despite what was said above about the logical consistency of probability theory and necessitation .
24 Its ‘ finance ’ must then come from a reduction in C m and/or I m m .
25 The hero or heroine must ultimately come out on top .
26 Competition must therefore come from freer imports , too .
27 A proper understanding of the role of intention in trusts must therefore come from other texts .
28 ‘ But then they must truly come from me .
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