Example sentences of "must [verb] access " in BNC.

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1 In order to understand a word , the reader or hearer must gain access to the semantic information contained in the word 's lexical entry .
2 farms with more than 20 head of cattle must have access to stores for slurry and effluent with at least six months ' capacity .
3 Pediculus humanus corporis , the body louse , and Pediculus humanus capitis , the head louse , share with Phthirus pubis three pairs of legs , a predilection for man or the higher apes , and a dependence on fresh blood , to which they must have access at least twice a day .
4 The price of prosperity is that , even to be poor , you must have access to cash for essential serv-ices and taxes .
5 To exist and survive , a living system must have access to other levels of function and other mechanisms beyond those embraced by present physics , electro-magnetics and biochemistry , otherwise the natural steady progress towards entropy or disintegration would soon reduce all living systems to a state in which they could no longer reproduce the clear patterns of their own kind .
6 Our initial reaction to our brief in respect of bilingual pupils was that all pupils must have access to the same attainment targets and programmes of study for English .
7 The developmental view of children 's language suggests that , in addition to establishing prerequisite cognitive and social skills , the child must have access to a number of environmental support systems ( see Bruner 1983 ) .
8 The decomposition process is the function of a whole myriad of microscopically small living creatures , bacteria , which must have access to the fifth component , air .
9 A transformational change is orchestrated by the organization 's executive managers , who must have access to a model that enables them to diagnose and manage the change process .
10 But spelling can not solely rely on this route : to be able to spell words like yacht or choir we must have access to specific lexical information about how each word is spelled .
11 Appreciating the central role local education authorities would increasingly play in the development of education , this Report 's recommendations included the proposal that authorities must have access to an adequate level of specialist educational guidance ( Bolam et al , 1978 ) .
12 You must have access to all the modules defined in the DC
13 User must have access to all modules to be read prior to calling READ_COMPLETE_ROOT_PACKAGE .
14 User must have access to root package prior to calling READ_COMPLETE_ROOT_PACKAGE .
15 the new user must have access to all the modules referenced on the DC .
16 The public must have access for s.11 to apply .
17 Participants remote from Henley must have access to a PC and modem as well as adequate library facilities .
18 Clearly an index must permit access to a document by its central theme , but to what extent should access be provided to secondary or subsidiary topics considered within a document ?
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