Example sentences of "back towards the " in BNC.

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1 The path leads down and around to a brick-paved seating area situated beneath a climber-covered arbour looking back towards the house .
2 So we left the remote mountains of the north and west and headed back towards the central highlands and Mount Kenya , the main objective of our visit .
3 This is what it means to say that Dostoevsky brushes against Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov as he reaches back towards the underground man .
4 Relegation followed , and the hopelessly over-stretched club were sliding back towards the Fourth Division when Toshack resigned in 1984 .
5 Rumours at H.Q about the Brigade advancing in pursuit of the German forces , who have now , it appears , pulled back towards the Seine taking all their equipment with them .
6 Popular American poetry of the period encouraged not only ‘ the coming together of East and West ’ , but also Vachel Lindsay 's attempts ‘ to carry … vaudeville form back towards the old Greek precedent of the half-chanted lyric ’ .
7 At this point it is difficult not to be drawn back towards the work of Anthony Quinton , who has provided a helpful model of the basic Conservative claims to political wisdom .
8 Now , as from the times of childhood , she rode Fenna , seated in the deep hollow of the meeting place of scaled neck , veined wing and rising battlement of spine ; a throne protected from the great gale of his flight , as safe as the rocky cradle secures the foetal child , leaning back towards the bumpy spine as she had leant before , she gave herself over to their journey .
9 No matter how carefully he sliced each shovelful in an arc out on the wind , there were certain unpredictable gusts that lifted the grains and blew them back towards the tractor so that by evening his clothes were filthy with lime , his face and hands as white as chalk , accentuating the inflamed red round his eyes .
10 Tony finished his work and we set off back towards the sea .
11 Tony offered to walk back towards the vehicle , now a long way off , and left me to think about it all .
12 There is a feeling that if the wording were changed to ‘ seeking to interfere with play ’ it would spare the player who is in an offside position but making a genuine attempt to stay onside by , for example , running back towards the halfway line .
13 But yesterday , on his 91st birthday , Trafford , whose wife died in sheltered accommodation four years ago , told a community nursing conference in London that , though a Tory voter all his life who thought most of what Mrs Thatcher was doing was good , he saw a danger that old people might be heading back towards the workhouse if the Government went ahead with NHS cuts and changes in community care .
14 Now that a reaction is setting in , Mr Gorbachev is leaning back towards the conservatives to keep his balance .
15 He is moving back towards the bad practice of selective tax shelters , which Mr Lawson had undermined in his five years as chancellor .
16 We lead her back towards the Odeon Mezzanine and break the ice by saying interestingly how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
17 And slowly , luring him with the chocolate wrapping , he led him back towards the feeding-place .
18 Then he ran back towards the stack-yard gate .
19 The triplet , reunited with its mother , was heading back towards the flock that was bunched up against the top fence .
20 It seemed that he had heard her , because there was silence again and Jinny turned back towards the little patch of bushes she was picking over .
21 As they began to climb , Jinny looked back towards the sofa and met the boy 's eyes again .
22 But before he could move there was a click and Doyle was starting back towards the camera .
23 Spinning round , kicking a heap of empty cider bottles out of her way , she raced back towards the entrance , not stopping now to feel her way , cannoning off the walls in the darkness .
24 Together they worked their way back towards the bank .
25 The Adjutant hurtled back towards the auditorium , calling over his shoulder , ‘ Sorry , Miss Grey .
26 The idea of going out in the garden to sit looking back towards the house was popular , as was the line of the path , laid in stock bricks in a colour best described as crushed strawberry .
27 By the Canal Turn he was second , and he kept up his gallop as the field came back towards the stands , taking up the running with three fences to go .
28 He turned back towards the stands , jumped nimbly over the thirteenth and fourteenth and soared over the Chair with Sebastian V , Royal Stuart and Zongalero keeping him company and Spartan Missile starting to make ground from the rear .
29 She looked over her shoulder , shook her head again , and began to walk back towards the stairway to the gallery .
30 As she pushed the emptied skip back towards the scutching room for the umpteenth time , her legs simply stopped working and she sagged against the basket , fighting down a wave of dizziness and nausea .
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