Example sentences of "even allowing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Could we climb that fast , even allowing for the more modest grading of most of it ?
2 It will require a miracle for Bedford to retain their status , even allowing for their few plus points — a top New Zealand coach , the arrival of a useful looking New Zealand scrum-half , and the fact that if the three national divisions are expanded , as proposed , next season , only one team will be going down from the First Division .
3 How much the shenanigans in the boardroom have affected the team 's performance on the field is hard to say but those performances , even allowing for another sad catalogue of injuries , have been inconsistent at the least .
4 But , even allowing for the conditions , Luxton and David Pears were never much better than a lumbering link .
5 Under Sean Kerly , Southgate have got their act together quickly , even allowing for the loss of such players as Richard Dodds and Robert Clift , Peter Boxell and Jagdis Barber , and through injury , Rupert Welch and John Shaw .
6 The engineering brief was to achieve a 10 per cent gain in performance over the already rapid Turbo R , implying a top speed target of well over 150mph and 0–60mph acceleration in just over six seconds — a tough task , even allowing for the aerodynamic gains in the switch to the coupe shape , in a vehicle weighing at least two-and-a-half tons .
7 Even allowing for the pound being on home ground that is a sizeable difference .
8 Even allowing for inflation , that is probably beyond the wildest dreams even of Sir Ernest .
9 Even allowing for a desire to please his audience , sentiments of that sort sound better news than warnings of confrontation .
10 Even allowing for inflation , that is dear money .
11 Both are well up on the old 1.8 's 89hp and 101lbf ft , and ( even allowing for an extra 234kg/516lb of flab ) power/weight ratio has improved by 19% .
12 Bonn is a handsome town but , far as it is from the historic centres of German power , it seems an odd choice for a capital , even allowing for the Allies ' post-war policy of de-centralisation .
13 In fact , following cuts in the Seventies , NHS resources have grown by 50 per cent , even allowing for inflation .
14 Even allowing for other work the team covered during out-of-hours duty ( acting as a consultant to other professionals , checking the register and forwarding referrals for other Local Authorities ) the overall total per team member per month was still only 4 hours per month out-of-hours work .
15 The honey-tongue ( if not the fidelity ) of the Polish officers was a legend , but the approach of some among their other ranks ( even allowing for language difficulties ) was even cruder than that of the U.S. servicemen .
16 Given that conditions had changed greatly in forty years , and that ‘ the right to know ’ had in every walk of life assumed paramount importance , it seemed nevertheless unrealistic — even allowing for the vastly different scale of the conflict — for relatives of servicemen to protest at lack of information over but a few days or even hours .
17 A portrait of a fat and overpowering Sir John is still at the house today and , even allowing for the artist 's flattery of his patron , this is a face you would not trust .
18 Even allowing for the subject under exposition that evening , ’ he said , ‘ I would hardly think that the two were connected . ’
19 Even allowing for that , it 's well down , Vic .
20 In many countries gonorrhoea is the most commonly notified communicable disease , even allowing for the under-reporting , which usually far exceeds the notification rate .
21 With women , even allowing for the fact that slides of material from three sites , urethra , cervix , and rectum may be examined , this early diagnosis is only possible in about 50 per cent of cases .
22 Indeed , it is difficult to justify many of the cases where tapping is strongly suspected on the ground that it was necessary for the detection of really serious crime or to deal with major subversion , even allowing for the very wide definition of subversion announced by Lord Harris of Greenwich in 1975 when he said that
23 During the 1980s , however , there have been very marked changes in the levels of secondary school enrolment , even allowing for political disruptions .
24 However , even allowing for the fact that the population and satellite data were collected 13 years apart , the differences are greater than we would have liked .
25 It is reasonable to suppose that this fact is significant , even allowing for the fact that Scaevola is disproportionately well represented in the Digest by cases on the law of succession .
26 Even allowing for the restricted staff , there appears to have been some lack of organization of the lecturing programme in Coleman 's later years .
27 Even allowing for the fact that not all BL Lac objects produce X-rays , Schwartz and Ku conclude that the statistics rule out the idea that BL Lac objects are simply ordinary quasars seen ‘ beam-on ’ .
28 But , even allowing for this handicap , Irvin and Martin found that university astronomers were not happy with the ‘ inflexible ’ administration of the telescope by the Royal Greenwich Observatory .
29 Even allowing for original tissues such as connective tissues , fat and blood vessels , probably many hundreds of million lymphocytes surround every boil .
30 But it had a promenade deck , like the Hindenburg , and carried its passengers in considerable luxury even allowing for the natural exaggeration of the Imperial Airways Gazette : ‘ passengers making air journeys in the new Empire type flying boats of Imperial Airways not only express their admiration for the speed and quietness in flight of these air liners , and for the spaciousness of their saloons , but they also pay warm tributes to the efficiency of their catering arrangement ’ .
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