Example sentences of "many as possible " in BNC.

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1 Their argument is that it is good for the tournament , a s well as the players concerned , if as many as possible of the higher ranked competitors survive the early rounds .
2 We love reading your letters and we 'll try to publish as many as possible .
3 Built up over the past 10 years , his aquilegia collection consists of about 130 species and hybrids , with the emphasis on species ‘ to save as many as possible from extinction and allow present and future generations to know and enjoy their great beauty ’ .
4 Sir Kenneth , for example , set up multi-agency panels to deal with the cautioning of juveniles , designed to keep as many as possible out of the courts .
5 When deadlines ca n't be met , Alpha ‘ gracefully degrades ’ by meeting as many as possible of the most important ones .
6 We love reading your letters and we 'll try to publish as many as possible .
7 At once , the waiters began to reorganise the tables so that as many as possible could sit under the parasols and to hurry away the unused cushions and linen so as not to let them be soaked .
8 It 's the ultimate in designer resorts , one enormous pleasure garden dedicated to give as much as possible to as many as possible in as small an area as possible .
9 The object of the Symposium was to bring together as many as possible of the current works in the field , both in review and in original papers , and therefore provide a body of environmental information .
10 English Heritage helps to preserve this legacy and welcomes you to visit as many as possible of the 350 or more properties and sites in its care .
11 To enable as many as possible to run their lives on the basis of the manageable commitment which was the essence of the new orthodoxy , credit had to be available from a variety of sources from which each could make his choice to suit his circumstances .
12 They then try to find as many as possible in the period of the game .
13 We love reading your letters and we 'll try to publish as many as possible .
14 As many as possible were covered by tarpaulins .
15 Before embarking upon data-gathering exercises some of the potential pitfalls must be recognised so that as many as possible can be avoided .
16 I find hellebores among the most beautiful flowers of all , so try to grow as many as possible .
17 Our aim is that British Telecom , Rolls-Royce , British Airways and substantial parts of British Steel , of British Shipbuilders and British Leyland , as well as many as possible of Britain 's airports , shall become private sector companies .
18 The Great Comic Relief Vegetable Plot has been sent to all the schools in the country and Emma hopes as many as possible will stage it to raise money for Comic Relief .
19 That 's why , on World Environment Day , a minimum of five million trees will be planted throughout Mexico — as many as possible planted by children .
20 ‘ To retain as many as possible of the existing work-force during and following the move . ’
21 He thought that by involving as many as possible in the formal decision-making , he was ensuring their support ; but he forgot that his pleasure in obedience had been learnt the hard way of monastic conversion , and it was not shared by many — not even , when it came to the push , at Bec — much less in the world .
22 With operations in sixty-five countries , Elf have an interest in being represented culturally in as many as possible of these .
23 The new one is usually designed on the basis of copying the old one but removing as many as possible of the faults .
24 Each had their separate sources of funding and , as a result , would not necessarily have to chase the largest audience nor produce lowest common denominator programmes so as to please as many as possible .
25 Tell him we need men here ; as many as possible ! ’
26 For the person with these projects the forwarding of them has an importance to which utilitarianism can not do justice , for it must regard them as simply among the many preferences of which as many as possible are to be satisfied .
27 Yeah , well I mean I think we need to get as many as possible .
28 It is important , because controls in large organizations are cumulative , that quite regularly one should examine the control systems in force , and clear out as many as possible .
29 We therefore believe that it is important to meet as many as possible , if not all , of the consultants before shortlisting , preferably together for a show of unity .
30 The interior of the building has been most aesthetically restored to incorporate as many as possible of the working parts of the mill in the dining area .
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