Example sentences of "many as possible " in BNC.

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31 Steam days are held on the first Saturday of each month from April to October when as many as possible of the exhibits are operated and many additional attractions are provided .
32 Embryos from both induced and normal ovulations show asynchrony in development from an early stage of cleavage and preparatory techniques have to be devised to attempt to recover as many as possible with analysable chromosomes .
33 Jefferson , a comparative radical among the constitution makers , proposed , for his own state of Virginia , measures to distribute land more widely in order to enfranchise as many as possible of the male and free population .
34 In practice the resolute supporter of Party A is not likely when he lists his preferences to be thinking primarily of any eventual cooperation between his party and Party B. His chief concern will be the success of as many as possible of Party A's candidates , and it will be to all of them that he gives his higher preferences .
35 The days when Disraeli 's Lord Marney was not afraid to admit that he built no cottages , but , on the contrary , pulled down as many as possible , were by then well over .
36 As many as possible would cluster at that end , and the stalls would thin out quickly as one went northwards away from the abbey towards the open country , with all its dangers for the peaceful trader .
37 There is within the health sector and the popular movement as a whole a conscious and structured effort to involve as many as possible in the movement for change .
38 What for me was most crucial in this process was a clear analysis of the health and national economic and political situation ; a strategy for addressing it which identifies both the major challenges and the spaces in which you can currently work for change ; commitment to mobilize as many as possible behind this strategy ; and whilst focusing on the local situation , not to neglect the national and international situation .
39 Now that herb nursery and seed lists name hundreds of species , the problem is not so much what to grow , as where to grow — how to fit as many as possible of these delightful plants into the general garden scene .
40 Now that he was getting on in years he wanted to take things just that little bit easy , not see patient after patient , cramming in as many as possible , but space them out — eight , ten a day was enough — for with his practice so long established and his clientele so solid he could n't imagine any reason to fear blanks in his appointments book .
41 One of the French girls at her Swiss boarding school had told her that boys liked a girl to have a ‘ poitrine ’ and they became very excited when they touched a girl 's breast ; this , she had maintained , explained the fashion for dresses which made a girl look flat-chested — so that as many as possible would not inflame men 's passions and would thereby remain virgins .
42 2–5–1846 " considering the great evils from tippling houses , and also the number of these licensed , judged it proper to bring the matter before the Justices of the Peace by Petition that they might use their power in surpressing as many as possible and refuse to increase the number . "
43 As many as possible .
44 The most effective strategy which has been found so far is to involve as many as possible of the key local service providers in the interpreters ' training , so that during the repeated role plays they learn to work together .
45 He bought back as many as possible of those that his father had sold , and added a few more ; in 1971 he published a useful short account of the history of the collection , together with a handlist based on the latest critical opinion ; and he designed , and had woven in Spain , a carpet for the gallery , a room seventy-two feet long , with a pattern repeating the intricate stucco-work of the ceiling .
46 It is up to the karateka to explore as many as possible .
47 As a result , I have booked the Welsh Young Farmers Pavilion on the Royal Welsh Showground , Llanelwedd for 7pm on Wednesday the 10th of June , in the hope that as many as possible can make it .
48 When planning your other meals , try to include as many as possible of these goods each day —
49 So Western automobile makers put as few extras into their cars as possible — the Japanese put as many as possible .
50 In the time available to me I shall answer as many as possible of the points that have been raised .
51 This project aims to fill in as many as possible of the gaps in our knowledge of dialect grammar .
52 In this project as many as possible of the 80 to 90 survivors from a sample of older people , who were selected from two group general practices in Southampton to take part in earlier studies , will be reinterviewed .
53 As many as possible .
54 Antall asserted on Feb. 23 that the coalition was not threatened , and expressed the hope that as many as possible of the 12-strong minority Torgyan faction in the FKgP would decide to support the government .
55 Our aim is to encourage as many as possible to attain various levels within the award scheme .
56 It was decided to check the loan records of as many as possible of the theses , to see if any of the data on thesis usage could be of value in assessing the quality of the research , as a measure independent of publication and citation figures .
57 In principle , they were by no means impregnable , but the Republican Field Commander , Colonel Vicente Rojo , had concentrated as many as possible of his human and material resources on the city 's western flank , and his troops had the advantage of a commanding position overlooking the river valley and familiarity with the urban terrain .
58 Undergraduates were also given groups of consonants and asked to recall as many as possible in their correct position after various time delays .
59 A minimum of four is needed on the day to prepare and serve and as many as possible to help provide cakes etc .
60 We hope that not only will you sell your own tickets , but you will also encourage your class members to sell as many as possible .
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