Example sentences of "may prove [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The durability of the Royal Scotsman over five long seasons of operation , with the top tour price now only a short step away from £3,000 was proven by 1989 , but even as this book was being prepared for press , there were changes in the wind which may prove to be a sterner test of the depth of the elitist train-tour market .
2 JUST possibly Cordoba ( 3.10 ) may prove to be the biggest talking horse since Mister Ed , the supernag of American television fame .
3 Projects where a specific commodity is in international demand will prove an exception to this ; such demand may prove to be strongest in other parts of the developing world , particularly Asia .
4 Part of the point of selling state businesses is to raise hard cash , and taking on more debt to fund worker buyouts in return for low or non-earning equity stakes ( which may prove to be worthless in the long run ) is not a real option for the government .
5 Immigration , however , may prove to be a banner around which only the rightwing can rally .
6 RECEIVERS were yesterday appointed to the brewing businesses of the Australian yachting tycoon , Mr Alan Bond , in what may prove to be the first step towards the world 's largest corporate collapse .
7 The object may prove to be genuine , but this is little consolation to the owner if it has been largely destroyed during the authentication process .
8 It may prove to be Margaret Thatcher 's most lasting contribution to her party , for it is changing it irrevocably .
9 First , I want to comment on some features of the hereditary mechanism which may prove to be characteristic of all living things , whether on this planet or elsewhere in the universe .
10 In what may prove to be the dying days of the Major government , the controversial merger between the 32 Tory Euro-MPs and the European People 's Party fulfils a key prime ministerial objective in placing Britain ‘ at the heart of Europe ’ .
11 There was indeed something rebarbative — as there may prove to be about The Manson Family when and if we see it on stage here — about the use of a serious story for a work which struck many as frivolous and even posturing .
12 With a leadership battle looming in the Labour Party in the wake of its fourth successive defeat , the issue of electoral reform may prove to be the central issue for internal debate , a factor the Liberal Democrats will exploit to the full .
13 With a leadership battle looming in the Labour Party after its fourth successive defeat , electoral reform may prove to be the central issue for internal debate , a factor the Liberal Democrats will exploit to the full .
14 This may prove to be the most expensive contest staged in Britain , but I doubt whether it really will be the biggest since the war .
15 It may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory .
16 What may prove to be important for future generations of elderly people in terms of care and living arrangements , is the numbers who will have experienced a divorce .
17 In particular , the Full Moon in your opposite sign of Aries on the 14th may prove to be tense , and even a little tearful , but partners , employers and family members alike must be told in no uncertain terms that you intend to do things your way or not at all .
18 He will also be stronger which may prove to be a problem during the backing and breaking process .
19 It might be heartbreaking but the summary plus the recommended actions may prove to be all that is ever needed or read .
20 Paradoxically , the management implications of the changes may prove to be , as this chapter has suggested , a means of restoring professional self-esteem .
21 Thus although a marked increase is apparent in recent years it may prove to be due entirely to three freak movements .
22 The design study notes : ‘ Unfortunately , with only limited geological information available and in the absence of normal site-investigation data , it is prudent to consider construction in what may prove to be adverse as well as favourable conditions , ’
23 INORGANIC substances are now rarely used to treat diseases , but one platinum compound may prove to be a powerful new anti-cancer drug .
24 However , this last figure may prove to be an underestimate if the results of a recent survey by the London Chamber of Commerce are correct , and the KIS estimates do not , of course , take into account the possible impact of a Channel Tunnel Rail Link .
25 A regulatory body will have to be empowered by law to administer the new rules ; however , since the proposed Directive allows the regulatory authority to delegate its powers to a private body , there is no reason why the Panel in its present form should not be given the necessary authority with the result that changes in day-to-day practice may prove to be minimal .
26 Neil Kinnock 's gravest mistake as Labour leader may prove to be his decision to announce his departure before the election postmortem had even got underway .
27 John Smith may prove to be the man to give Labour its best chance in a 1996 general election ( although it can not be good to have had him all but enthroned as leader before the leadership contest was even underway ) .
28 Their agnostic approach may prove to be more robust than the more rationalistic and positive vision evolved by the Christian West .
29 Conversely , these paradoxes may prove to be matters more of perception than of reality .
30 The map may prove to be inadequate .
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