Example sentences of "may [be] held " in BNC.

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1 Amnesty warmly welcomed the release of prisoners of conscience and the repeal of certain articles , but has urged that the legislation be extended to include reform or repeal of further articles of the Turkish Penal Code , under which POCs may be held .
2 Mr Stan Hardy , the league 's new director-general , said yesterday that anybody could ask for material that may be held on them .
3 It may be held at that important time of the first anniversary of the death , and is thus at the time when the people most bereaved may be thinking of re-engaging in life .
4 The emphasis lies in the area for which a local authority may be held accountable : the quality of care it provides .
5 We will introduce a 110-day limit on the length of time for which a prisoner may be held before trial , repeal the broadcasting ban , and provide for the videotaping of police interviews with terrorist suspects .
6 To help you get organised a group option may be held for up to one month before deposits are required , and names need not be supplied until 12 weeks before departure .
7 Further copies may be held at the local public library .
8 In the larger clinics the two may run concurrently , in the smaller they may be held at different times during the week .
9 Even where vital commercial considerations explain a failure to consult , an employer may be held to have acted unfairly .
10 Parenthetically , the form in which the data may be held can affect dramatically the scale of the problem faced .
11 If the works specified are insufficient to abate the odour then in any further proceedings to obtain a nuisance order under s.94 , the notice itself may be held bad , as in Whatling v Rees where the work specified in the notice , the draining of a cellar , would not have been sufficient to abate the nuisance .
12 The question which concerns the text is therefore not tracing , but valuing the property which may be held to be under trust .
13 In the event of sudden death , an inquest may be held .
14 Then a party may be held on a different day , so there is a double celebration .
15 They may be held down with scotch tape .
16 A ‘ point ’ is an idiosyncrasy or peculiarity about a work which may be held to determine priority of edition , impression or issue .
17 Up to 100 staples and 44 nails may be held .
18 Tory MPs protested the measures may be held up for two years because of delays on the Bill to ratify the Maastricht Treaty .
19 A public inquiry may be held .
20 While people may be held to be responsible for an action they may not always be asked to account for it .
21 While the leash may be held in the right hand , the dog is invariably positioned on the left .
22 In either case , the tail may be held very low , as may the head .
23 Legally , however , it seems that if it can be proved that Mr Fuchs spent above and beyond the municipally approved budget of DFl.12 million without authorisation , then he may be held personally responsible for the losses .
24 If so the alleged offender may be held in custody to await trial .
25 Access to quite large areas can be obtained in this way and negotiations may be held with estate officers used to legal agreements .
26 The whole exercise may be held up while consultants are asked for a view on a particular market , technological advance or commercial strengths , and with that new input the whole cycle will start again .
27 If the agency then acts differently it may be held to have acted unfairly and illegally , at least if it has not given the citizen a chance to make representations as to why he or she should be treated in the way expected .
28 The law is not entirely clear in this area , but it would appear that there are two grounds upon which the third party , the tippee , may be held liable to account as constructive trustee .
29 It may be held by the most tenuous snag , so always have a belay from below .
30 Asking ‘ how far a Music Hall programme may be held to encourage lawlessness ’ , one observer considered that the types of song in currency ‘ could never have been written if the loafer , the liar , the drunkard , the thief , and the sensualist had been regarded as subjects unfit to be glorified in song ’ .
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