Example sentences of "very [adj] to say " in BNC.

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1 And furthermore , Mr Stevens , and I am very sorry to say this , I have noticed your father 's nose . ’
2 These conclusions are very relevant , because now I 'm very sorry to say that , under pressure from a certain radicalism , these deeper , more complex analyses are being neglected and very individual , subjective views hold sway .
3 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
4 Callinicos is very careful to say , in at least two places in the book , that aesthetic judgement as to the value of a work of art is at least relatively independent of the cultural and philosophical critique of the bases from which it proceeds .
5 This silence has a sub-text when accompanied by a slightly smug buttoned-up look , implying subtly that if one were only free to utter , one might have something very interesting to say .
6 The deputy judge commented that Dr. Rao ‘ clearly was very doubtful to say the least that Mr. Winterbone had the necessary testamentary capacity on 18 April . ’
7 But erm it 's all very easy to say you ca n't have socialism or this ideal state , whatever you might like to call it , unless it 's all er er you know kind of international er it 's got to be , happen all over the world or it never will happen at all but erm first of all it 's got to happen in your own country and it seems to me that we imagine that everybody , the mass of the people that we , we do that er we want this ideal state .
8 But , you know , when you explain these concepts to the people who are part of that committee , or they are the chairman of that committee — it 's very easy to say , ‘ Yeah , that other committee is really bad .
9 It 's very easy to say that
10 ‘ But then , ’ she said , ‘ when you try to think what it is you 've got hold of , it 's not very easy to say . ’
11 All very easy to say , but human nature being what it was , and her own curiosity playing a very large part of it , not so easy to do .
12 Yeah I mean I 'm not being cynical but that 's very easy to say .
13 I mean it , it would be very easy to say that basically you know I do n't know , the , the poor peasants banding around all peasants , you know Mao saw them and knew that this was where the , the core of erm the revolution
14 And we have to confess Lord that , words are very easy to say and to sing
15 I do think it 's very easy to say that sums of money are not financially significant .
16 Yeah I think on the North Sea , it obviously would have erm an effect on parts of our business , some parts more than others erm it 's very early to say exactly what , what effect it obviously in fact to the extent that it encourages the further development of existing fields that clearly benefits parts , parts of our business that are to do with completion equipment and development equipment .
17 It may not be money that he wants ; and even if he would be satisfied with money , it may be very hard to say what would be a fair compensation for his loss , and a jury may not be the most suitable body for assessing it .
18 Well , it 's very hard to say .
19 Whether or not he fulfilled his part as judge and lawgiver , it is very hard to say : later generations spoke of the good laws of King Edward , but we can not tell if he deserved the compliment .
20 So as my red skims the pocket , he tries very hard to say ‘ Bad luck ’ .
21 I wo n't kid you , and it 's very hard to say good morning John how are you , when you 're thinking , and you 're thinking you stay your side of .
22 I think it 's very hard to separate the two , but it 's a big chicken and egg , to say which came first , the social conditions or the furnishings is erm is very hard to say , but they are , I mean like in that example that I just gave , they 're very strongly tied up .
23 There is very little to say about the new Robert Zemeckis film that has n't been said about the old one .
24 Well , that does n't sound very sophisticated to say , these are the questions when you just write everything you know about a particular issue .
25 But as important as our joint interests are our shared values and I think a very good example of this is our common approach , er er , to the question of the Social Chapter for which the Labour opposition led , I may say , by two leading G M B spokesmen Jack and George the Labour opposition has fought long and hard for this in parliament , indeed , we have secured a vote on the question er , after the Queen 's ascent , and last month , I myself , as a guest of the Danish social democrats , took the argument to the continent in the Danish referendum , in the second Danish ref referendum , which I 'm very glad to say was won !
26 Erm , we are indeed talking to Health Authority about the matters that were mentioned but can I come on to occupational therapists because I 'm very glad to say that erm we are able to recruit occupational therapists in this county .
27 It is all very well to say that local circumstances will dictate responses but there will be many similar circumstances from place to place , so that there is clear benefit in adopting common approaches if not standard solutions .
28 It is all very well to say that terms like astronaut and artisan conjure up , for understandable reasons , male rather than female associations .
29 It is all very well to say that the production of a new rose plant is a skilled job and best left to specialists , but that takes little account of the satisfaction to be derived and enjoyed by trying something difficult , and being successful .
30 Well , it 's all very well to say that accidents like that should n't happen , but …
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