Example sentences of "how i feel " in BNC.

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1 On the television in front of them the President of the World said abruptly , ‘ It 's not a question of how I feel .
2 ‘ I ca n't say how I feel , ’ Herr Nordern said for the twentieth time .
3 I only look towards someone like Dylan because I see the things that have happened in his career and the conclusions he 's come to and the way he 's responded to outside forces , the audience , the press … and I recognize a similarity to how I feel in my career .
4 He knows how I feel , me being an only child … he 's a wonderful husband , I could n't have a better husband .
5 ‘ Bliss it was that dawn to be alive ’ a quote from Wordsworth , but it is how I feel as we embark on this new decade .
6 That 's how I feel about abortion .
7 I am sure you are well-meaning , but I wanted you to know how I feel .
8 I do n't know how I feel — pleased it 's a boy .
9 I hardly know how I feel .
10 And that night of course in The Bar we were all saying , oh god when she jumps into the truck , how fabulous was that , it just makes you want to cheer ; and Boy thought again , well that is how life is , that is how I feel , that is how I feel when I 'm leaving the bar with my husband for the night , my husband-to-be , that 's just what I think when I 'm getting into his car , Goodbye Father , Goodbye .
11 And that night of course in The Bar we were all saying , oh god when she jumps into the truck , how fabulous was that , it just makes you want to cheer ; and Boy thought again , well that is how life is , that is how I feel , that is how I feel when I 'm leaving the bar with my husband for the night , my husband-to-be , that 's just what I think when I 'm getting into his car , Goodbye Father , Goodbye .
12 It was as if he was making a declaration : I am taking this Boy home , this Boy of ours , and this is how I feel about him .
13 ’ That is how I feel .
14 Regardless of how I feel about it now , this period was one of the happiest times of my life .
15 Psalm 34:4 sums up how I feel about the Lord : ‘ I sought the LORD , and he answered me ; he delivered me from all my fears . ’
16 ( Our big fish man Andy Parkes tells me he prefers the name Oddballs for the fish he keeps — he feels a tank buster is a fish that ‘ has to be turned round several times a day ’ — which sums up how I feel ) .
17 I ca n't help how I feel .
18 ‘ Now you know how I feel about the high school , ’ said Carrie .
19 But I came through all that and thought , I 'm never going to feel guilty about how I feel again , or what I want to do .
20 OK , maybe I should n't let politics influence music , but that 's how I feel now .
21 In fact I ca n't put down on paper exactly how I feel .
22 Harris goes on : ‘ This is roughly how I feel this morning contemplating my future career as a political columnist : 1,200 words a week , week in , week out , stretching into the 14th , 15th , 16th , 17th and maybe even — God preserve us — the 18th successive years of Conservative rule …
23 Tony Benn to Jimmy Young when asked about Neil Kinnock 's Radio 2 debut I 'M asked how I feel when they get the questions wrong and lose everything , and I say I try not to laugh .
24 ‘ Words just ca n't express how I feel about the man who did this — especially as he had been drinking .
25 ‘ I 'm asked how I feel when they get the questions wrong and lose everything and I say I try not to laugh . ’
26 And that 's not how I feel . ’
27 ‘ We 're ecstatic , I ca n't conjure up the superlatives to say how I feel . ’
28 I am very bitter about it and want him to know how I feel .
29 ‘ You understand not how I feel — how could you ! ’
30 Saying how I feel when it 's a good feeling
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