Example sentences of "her [art] lift " in BNC.

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1 After agreeing to give her a lift home from a discotheque , PC Peter Anderson was said to have stopped his Metro car on a deserted allotment , and threatened the 18-year-old woman by pushing his truncheon under her chin .
2 The woman has alleged that after agreeing to give her a lift home from a discotheque , the officer drove her to a deserted allotment , threatened her by pushing his truncheon under her chin and then raped her .
3 However when the party broke up and he offered her a lift home , she was quick to negotiate secretly with her hostess for her bike to remain unmentioned in the stairwell until she came back the next day to collect it .
4 Why should n't Fanshawe just have said to his wife , ‘ This young lady has missed her last train and since she lives in London I said we 'd give her a lift ’ ?
5 ‘ I 've told her we 'll give her a lift as far as Malaga and that 's what we 'll do . ’
6 He possibly through guilt at not stopping to give her a lift , though she had n't asked .
7 It is believed she claimed she was assaulted and kept captive at a friend 's flat in Chelsea after Sarfraz gave her a lift in his car .
8 He can give her a lift on the back of his scooter . ’
9 Anyway , I stopped and offered her a lift .
10 The appellant 's 18 year old daughter was indecently assaulted by the father of her boyfriend , while he was giving her a lift in his van .
11 I just gave her a lift to the Fair . ’
12 Do make sure your babysitter gets home safely ; always give her a lift if it 's late at night .
13 Seems you offered her a lift home , and she promised her baby-sitter she 'd be back at a reasonable hour .
14 I wished we might have stopped and offered her a lift .
15 If I had had a car of my own I would have offered her a lift , however far out of my way it might have taken me .
16 We paddled to her and gave her a lift back to her house .
17 I 'm giving her a lift to … ah …
18 For him to serenely offer her a lift ?
19 I asked her where she lived and she said Tower Hamlets , so I offered her a lift in the van .
20 Or make some patronising remark about her cute rear end and how he would be delighted to give her a lift over ?
21 And while relief surged through her that this kind stranger was , by the look of it , offering to give her a lift back to her hotel , he turned to the mechanic , gave him some instruction and , turning back , informed her , ‘ They 'll get the part as quickly as they can , but in the meantime we will have to leave your vehicle here . ’
22 Fabia went to bed that night having seen nothing of the man who had given her a lift , but with other more important issues rising to the surface .
23 ‘ Oh ? ’ she questioned carefully , while her brain was rattling off the clamouring question — was he saying that he would give her a lift ?
24 But , even while her spirits were taking a nosedive that , supposing he was offering her a lift to Prague , there would n't be any point in accepting if it was unlikely she 'd be able to book in anywhere , he , to her absolute astonishment , was going on , ‘ There 's a spare room in a suite I 've reserved for this month — you can have that if you wish . ’
25 She caught herself smiling ridiculously when he 'd gone , and realised that she felt quite cheered that he had n't simply given her a lift to Prague , seen her safely installed in the spare bedroom , and then forgotten about her .
26 The man tried to give her a lift and would n't take no for an answer .
27 He sometimes had given her a lift to Atherton , Manchester , where she had been staying .
28 cos I 'm going as a favour to give her a lift really .
29 Somebody 's giving her a lift .
30 we took Patricia in to , we give her a lift as far as Longbridge today .
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