Example sentences of "also gave [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The legs also gave scope for embellishment ; they were turned into columns or bent into distinctive arch shapes with ball feet .
2 Liberalisation also gave US consumers a new deal by cutting the cost of car credit .
3 But the expedition also gave Gould a greater insight into the distribution of species over all Australia ; it suggested to him , in comparison with his recent knowledge of New South Wales and Van Diemen 's Land , which species might be stationary and which dispersed over a greater area .
4 780 Ealdhun also gave lands which Ecgberht had given him to the familia of Christ Church ( CS 293 : S 155 ; cf. , CS 319 , 320 : S 1259 and CS 332 : S 1264 ) .
5 He also gave lands to them , and had those of Beverley protected by royal writs .
6 Youatt became owner of the Nassau Street infirmary , where he lectured on diseases of the dog ; he also gave lectures at University College .
7 He also gave Minton a copy of Pinet 's 1733 edition of Horace , with its engraved decorations , and asked him to use it as a starting point .
8 It may be that other disaffected Anglian elements also gave assistance and it would be surprising if no help had been forthcoming from the men of Powys , who can not have been unaffected by Aethelfrith 's victory at Chester and the recent warfare between the northern Angles and the king of Gwynedd .
9 Mr. Macfie also gave £400 , the annual interest to be credited to the Sustentation Fund of the congregation .
10 Both also gave prominence to the fact that Blanche happened to be at TV London at the time of the murder and had taken charge of the case .
11 In addition her action outside the assessment procedures also gave Mrs Jones the power to negotiate with other participants .
12 The former included the North-West regional diploma in special needs , the first example of a course developed in total partnership between a university and a polytechnic which allowed students to take modules from either institution and also gave credit recognition to specific Open University and LEA courses .
13 The Queen also gave permission for the house to be shown at the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition .
14 Crawford also gave Frank a funny voice and walk , as well as a black beret and Army raincoat , which became his trademarks .
15 Her life must have been hard for she not only produced ten children , one of whom died in infancy but also gave birth to my mother when in her forty-fifth year .
16 She also gave birth to CRONUS , the first ruler of Olympus , the Titans and the Cyclops .
17 The era also gave birth to a whole array of new social problems .
18 They also gave Gateway the go-ahead for a supermarket outside the retail area and allowed offices in Elder Road to be turned into retirement apartments near a nightclub .
19 The 1980s legislation also gave parents the legal right to be informed about , and be involved in , certain aspects of school life .
20 Bentham also gave consideration to the notion of an optimum size for establishments which , in the case of the Panopticon , he set at 2000 " hands " ( Hume , 1981 p 142 ) .
21 The July 1979 package of reforms cleared several obstacles to ‘ direct relations ’ amongst enterprises ; it also gave teeth to a 1974 decree making delivery contracts binding .
22 It also gave employers legal remedies against industrial action in which no dispute exists between employers and their own employees or which is not wholly or mainly about employment matters .
23 Importantly , it also gave Simon Draper a chance to start planning for the future .
24 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
25 The book just mentioned also gave rise to a rumour that Richard Baxter was about to conform .
26 This approach also gave rise to a change in attitudes about the split between the academic and non-academic functions within the Colleges , which encouraged the Principals to make more flexible use of resources .
27 The same occupation also gave rise to the popularly termed ‘ riveter 's ovaries ’ — another mysterious condition with no founding in medical science .
28 This report , which culminated in the 1967 Sexual Offences Act , also gave rise to a two-part ‘ Man Alive ’ feature called ‘ Consenting Adults ’ ( BBC ) , which dealt in separate weeks with men and women .
29 The rapid growth of private charity in these years also gave rise to institutions demonstrating a variety of approaches to the palliation of poverty .
30 Durkheim said that simple societies were held together by ‘ mechanical solidarity through likeness ’ : people were united by the similarity in the labour and the general social roles they performed , which also gave rise to a homogeneous conscience collective .
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