Example sentences of "did [adv] necessarily " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
2 Saturday 's name change was the sixth this century , and the previous alterations did not necessarily lead to a radical renewal .
3 Clearly , quantity did not necessarily imply quality ( Table 6.15 ) .
4 This did not necessarily mean that all local party chiefs in the minorities were also lethargic during 1922 .
5 That individuals prosecuted for sodomy did not necessarily identify themselves with the demonized sodomite of official discourse also lends credence to Foucault 's distinction between sodomy as a kind of behaviour , and homosexuality as a modern identity .
6 In a minority situation , some form of power-sharing — even if it did not necessarily involve coalition — was inevitable .
7 In The Family , Sex and Marriage he was careful to retain an open mind on affective individualism , emphasizing first that it was not necessarily the way of the future , family change not being linear , and second , that it did not necessarily result in greater happiness than other forms of family organization .
8 These clubs did not necessarily take their sport in the spirit of fair play .
9 In his book Poetic Diction he had pointed out that in earlier times , those who first used language did not necessarily distinguish between ‘ metaphorical ’ and ‘ literal ’ uses of words .
10 Andrew Eliel , editor of the guide , said the award had been launched because it was felt the best chef did not necessarily work in the best restaurant .
11 But a film like When the Devil Drives ( 1907 ) , in which a train is taken over by the devil and taken at great speed under the sea and into the sky , shows that length did not necessarily constrict imagination , while The Airship Destroyer ( 1909 ) , with its combination of romance and action in the story of an inventor who develops a missile that will destroy an airship , shows a filmmaker drawing material from contemporary anxieties about aerial combat .
12 But the shift in focus involved in the journey south did not necessarily reposition the directors who had once rediscovered northern grime into a world which they could explore with sympathy and understanding .
13 ‘ We ’ , McLeish remembered from Francesca , did not necessarily mean this administration but must mean one of the same political persuasion .
14 At first , this stress on ‘ natural religion ’ , as it was called , did not necessarily mean the abandonment of Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures ; so long as it was not inconsistent with reason , it could be accepted .
15 This did not necessarily mean that the churches opposed alleviation of pain , but it did mean that the ministrations of the pastor were much more important than those of the physician , and those of the latter should not be permitted to interfere with the spiritual task of the former .
16 At the age of twenty-eight she had awakened one morning to the realisation , clear as dawn , that to hope for things did not necessarily bring them about , that there was no earthly reason why she should be happy , healthy and husbanded .
17 Customs and beliefs deriving from a pagan past may have been frowned upon , but they did not necessarily exclude their adherents from the community of Christians .
18 That in itself did not necessarily matter ; experience had shown that Scotland could successfully cope with a series of minorities .
19 It operated within the limited confines of government at the centre , and in a society as localized as Scotland , did not necessarily have an impact on the domestic affairs of the country as a whole .
20 The Prince began to be talked about though this did not necessarily mean that he was being taken seriously as a political alternative to the regime of Louis-Philippe .
21 By giving the vote to some ten million electors this élite had discovered that the people 's will did not necessarily correspond with those of their masters and Louis-Napoleon had reaped the benefit as the people 's choice .
22 He reaffirmed the belief he held then , that the use of soft drugs did not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs , although he conceded that he would never have encountered any other drug if he had not become involved with smoking marijuana .
23 But again , this did not necessarily follow : the spirit of the exchange mattered too .
24 Adoption of this route , however , did not necessarily mean that the association would defy the police in order to march on it .
25 But grand designs did not necessarily produce great architecture .
26 However , his failure to leave before 6 February 1981 did not necessarily mean that he had ‘ waived ’ the breaking of his contract .
27 There is a tradition that the cattle of eastern England have Scandinavian origins , but the West of England influence was strong and during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries Devon blood was widely used in Norfolk ( especially , of course , by Coke of Holkham and his tenants ) , though it did not necessarily have a direct influence on the future Red Poll .
28 It is also worth noting that , as the analysts became immersed in the detailed examination , there was a tendency to forget that this was still part of the systems thinking stage , and that the models , activities and related information needs were those that were desirable in systems terms , and not did not necessarily reflect the real situation .
29 The fact that the drug 's manufacturer had proposed a tightening of safeguards did not necessarily mean that the committee should agree to them .
30 Bukharin went on , however , to make a leap that did not necessarily follow from his previous line of thought .
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