Example sentences of "did [adv] ring " in BNC.

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1 One of the pleasures of Saturday working was that the phone did not ring all the time .
2 ‘ It just did not ring true , ’ said a Paris police spokesman .
3 I waited and waited , but she still did not ring me .
4 It always seems odd , looking back on a turning-point in life , that bells did not ring and warning hooters go .
5 Even when he failed to ring her later in the week , as she had commanded him to do , once he had sorted life to meet her expectations , she did not ring him .
6 It did not ring .
7 The bells did not ring .
8 She did not ring for a nurse because she did n't want to have to seem cheerful and she remembered from the two births of her live children , which had gone well , that this was a rule in hospitals .
9 ‘ Our father was very strict , Spanish nobility at its most severe , and this place did not ring with laughter .
10 ‘ Fine , ’ Rosemary replied , but when , unusually , she appeared to have nothing else she wanted to chat about , yet did not ring off , Leith did a swift two-and-two calculation , and the answer she got told her that Rosemary wanted , in her parents ' absence , to talk about Travis .
11 ‘ I only did n't ring last night because I could n't find you , sir .
12 Mrs Wright did n't ring the bell or knock , she took a key out of her pocket and opened it .
13 Sneha , ( not her real name ) an Asian girl of eighteen living with her family near Birmingham , wrote me a long letter , but with the strict proviso that I did n't ring her at home or try to contact her at all .
14 His confident appearances in the music press just did n't ring true .
15 The telephone did n't ring in Theodore Lawton 's house .
16 ‘ We were very alarmed when Sean told us that they needed to look at you again , and you did n't ring a second time … so we were afraid … . ’
17 ‘ And I did n't ring Em because it 's hard enough to get a job in any place as a married woman without having hysterical daughters ringing up crying for Mamma .
18 What sort of man … this letter business did n't ring true at all … that they had taken the two girls and released one could simply mean a problem of identification , although even that was unlikely , but to send a first message before the parents had time to become frantic , possibly before they even knew … the whole thing could be a hoax , and yet the girl 's condition … a hoax gone wrong !
19 Each time there was a pause in his routine and he had time to think , the Captain was reminded that there were a good many things about this case that did n't ring true .
20 I promised to ring him , if he did n't ring me first , reassured her again that everything was fine and that she did n't need to drive over to look after me .
21 But I did n't ring you for a critical appraisal of my work .
22 You did n't ring . ’
23 That 's why I did n't ring the bell . ’
24 Something did n't ring true there .
25 " I 'd as soon you did n't ring there , Louise . "
26 She claimed to have come from a different school but her story somehow did n't ring true .
27 ‘ He did n't ring you to cancel the club ? ’
28 She toyed briefly with a picture of Luke lying , bound and kidnapped , in some distant , cut-off retreat , but it did n't ring true .
29 Charles had so convinced himself of this that he did n't ring in to the production office until ten-thirty , deliberately giving the producer time to sober up his intoxicated imagination .
30 Something about it disturbed him — not the obvious facts of its shock and tragedy — but some discordant element , something that did n't ring true .
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