Example sentences of "no danger to " in BNC.

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1 TESTS carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture on the flock of 5,000 hens owned by nuns at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery in Northamptonshire , showed that there was no danger to public health , it was claimed yesterday .
2 But Carlisle city planners say the site presents no danger to the river because strict conditions will ensure waste products are handled correctly and they have given the go-ahead to the scheme .
3 ‘ There 's no danger to Caspar , Lee , ’ said his Mum .
4 ‘ Pray let me reassure you , ’ went on the Mayor hastily , ‘ There would be no danger to you personally in this affair .
5 What we do object to is in their cynical use on stretches of open road and motorways as a means of penalising motorists for doing something that causes no danger to anybody .
6 These warts are no danger to a human being because they only exude their poisonous fluid if the toad is being injured .
7 The only parts of the experimental area where there are no facilities for cyclists are in those residential streets that are sufficiently lightly and slowly trafficked as to constitute no danger to cyclists sharing the roadway with cars .
8 There is no danger to the fish unless the nodule affects it mechanically — for example , a cyst on the lip can impede feeding .
9 The plan has been drawn up in consultation with the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation which maintains that there is no danger to nearby sites , but is fiercely opposed by other archaeologists who say this area has not yet been explored .
10 An initial objection against any easy identification of such a privacy with consciousness is that , when driving , say , the highest level commands to turn the car , keep the accelerator depressed , etc. , would be ‘ inscrutable from below ’ in the way discussed , but the level of those commands could never be identified with consciousness because , as Sartre liked to point out ad nauseam , we can drive ‘ without thinking about it ’ and , moreover , at no danger to the public .
11 Perhaps , therefore , a distinction should be drawn between allowing oneself voluntarily , and where there is no danger to oneself , to be treated as a means to the satisfaction of someone else 's needs , and being treated as a means to the satisfaction of someone else 's desires .
12 After lobbying by the company ( the only extant reference to the matter ) Gloucester found that it was a matter of mutual rancour , of no danger to the crown , and remitted it to the goldsmiths .
13 There 's no danger to health from the outlets . ’
14 ‘ There may have been no danger to you .
15 There has been no danger to you or your people since the second strike .
16 The club-carrier strikes a blow to the victim 's head , causing brain damage ; there is , however , no external manifestation and no danger to the life of the complainant .
17 It 's as bland and unruffled as the one she read last month : There 's no danger to the public , radioactivity levels are inside the permitted safety level , the three workers are perfectly well and undergoing routine tests .
18 In fact , we discovered the problem and acted immediately so that there would be no danger to public health .
19 Giving evidence yesterday on his own behalf , he dismissed as ‘ rubbish ’ the evidence of the only police officer on patrol with him that the car posed no danger to the patrol .
20 There was no increased radiation and no danger to the environment or residents of Enerhodar , the adjacent town of 50,000 people on the banks of the Dniepr river .
21 After lobbying by the company ( the only extant reference to the matter ) Gloucester found that it was a matter of mutual rancour , of no danger to the crown , and remitted it to the goldsmiths .
22 Officials stressed that no radiation had escaped into the atmosphere and there was no danger to the environment .
23 Senior managers told a press conference that the accident posed no danger to people or the environment .
24 The Argentine and Chilean companies building the pipeline , together with the Argentine government , which ratified the project , must now prove that there is no danger to the penguins .
25 They did not cause any radiation leaks and posed no danger to the environment .
26 Harwell says it 's own readings are much lower and insist there 's no danger to the public .
27 The area was cleaned and Nuclear Electric says there was no danger to staff or members of the public .
28 BNFL said there was no danger to the health of workers or people living nearby .
29 Robert Gould , Strathclyde 's leader , said the building posed no danger to pupils because the asbestos was totally secure .
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