Example sentences of "more specifically to " in BNC.

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1 ( pls. 8–24 ) The term is not used in its literal sense to describe items produced in villages as opposed to cities or towns , but is applied more specifically to a broad category of rugs sharing common features of construction , character and design .
2 These changes followed from recommendations set out by the Public Accounts Committee ( PAC ) in its Eighth Report of 1986–7 ( HC 98 ) Members said that they wanted documents tailored more specifically to Parliament 's needs in its consideration of departments ' expenditure proposals and put forward three proposals ( Cm. 375 ) .
3 Instead , the Prince of Wales veered right back to the domain of his grandfather , King George VI , and more specifically to the beloved fields of Sandringham ; to that life where the wellington boot has priority alongside the gun , and the frozen kale field , in which the King was never happier than to spend several distinctly cold and uncomfortable hours .
4 Conversation during the meal had been general , but now it turned more specifically to the château , and the prospects of the year 's vintage .
5 Despite the obvious influence of Impressionism in the appearance of Walker 's pictures she also worked under the umbrella of ‘ decorative symbolism ’ — belonging more specifically to a tradition dominated by Puvis de Chavannes , which was authoritatively identified in relation to Augustus John by David Fraser Jenkins in his essay ‘ Slade School Symbolism ’ for the Barbican exhibition catalogue , the Last Romantics ( 1989 ) .
6 So coming back more specifically to Selby , and taking er Mr Curtis 's ball-park figure of of seventeen hundred , erm now already we 've we 've got approximately eight hundred and fifty committed in terms of a hundred and eighty con er completions , five hundred and sixty permissions including conversions , and a hundred and ten dwellings identified on a site at Elvington in in the Greater York study , and there 's really not a great deal more flexibility , erm , because of the greenbelt constraint .
7 What is medically certain is that she died of coronary thrombosis : there is no question of any foul play , except of course if the heart attack was brought on by the shock of finding someone in her room stealing the jewel she had come all the way from America to hand over to the Ashmolean Museum , or more specifically to Dr Theodore Kemp on behalf of the Museum .
8 Karst landforms related more specifically to fluvial activity are discussed in Chapter 9 .
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