Example sentences of "more quickly [subord] " in BNC.

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1 This problem calls for a major change in the content of our primary education and for the raising of the school entry age so that the child is older when he leaves , and also able to learn more quickly while he is in school . ’
2 Private health insurance may help some elderly people to gain access to hospital treatment more quickly than would otherwise be the case , although there seems little justification for a National Health Service which can not cater for the needs of people in acute pain or discomfort as and when necessary .
3 He said : ‘ What is happening in Great Britain should perhaps show Mrs Thatcher and Chancellor Lawson that they should act more quickly than anticipated in terms of bringing the currency into the EMS . ’
4 Pierre Beregovoy , the Finance Minister , told a business meeting : ‘ What is happening in Great Britain should perhaps show Mrs Thatcher and Chancellor Lawson that they should act more quickly than anticipated in terms of bringing the currency into the EMS . ’
5 Industrial prices by then had risen two to three times more quickly than agricultural ones .
6 Synthetic bags maintain their insulation even when wet and they dry out much more quickly than the down bags .
7 But both Dr Kohl and Mr Modrow , aware that the hopes of many for reunification are growing by the day , and more quickly than the politicians can accommodate , tried to cool expectations .
8 What had happened to us could not , I thought , have been due entirely to education — not even to the idea that girls develop more quickly than boys to a certain point and then slow down ; but as I still clung loyally to my little world where all clergymen were good , all solicitors honest , and all philosophers and experts different from ordinary people and unquestionably right , I struggled hard against any idea that I might still be wiser than Bertrand Russell in some respects .
9 A good deal of credulity and nonsense was indulged in the name of psychology but there was no nonsense about the concept of ‘ psychological obsolescence ’ , the new technique for making people dissatisfied with what they had bought more quickly than ever before .
10 Some catch on more quickly than others , and some are n't watching the race at all .
11 Since trust in Hitler had owed a great deal to the belief that he would lead Germany to a rapid and glorious peace , since despair of an early end to the war was the essential reason for the waning morale , and since the failure of the Blitzkrieg in the USSR and the declaration of war on the USA made it difficult in logic to hold anyone other than Hitler responsible for the prolonging of the war , it is worth enquiring why the ‘ Hitler myth ’ did not collapse more quickly than was evidently the case .
12 Suppose you 've scheduled your meetings till 12.30 but you get through the morning 's business more quickly than you expected .
13 People could send telegrams , telephone each other , and transmit information much more quickly than ever before .
14 Mainly , the leading eugenists devoted themselves to preparing ‘ pedigree studies ’ of pauper families in order to establish that the residuum was a degenerate sub-species , genetically afflicted by feeble-mindedness , insanity , al holism , venereal disease , criminality , tuberculosis , and infant mortality , which multiplied far more quickly than superior members of the race .
15 But the fact that a child can slide down a mountain more quickly than you can does not mean he can catch lifts , follow pistes , order lunch , or even find the Herren plonked with Austrian efficiency at the summit of each skiable peak .
16 At least that 's the way it is with me , if I can see something in operation I can understand it far more quickly than when someone tries to describe it ’
17 It is the mainly office-trained technicians who acquire a thorough grasp of construction , office procedures and job running far more quickly than their architect counterparts .
18 Where a building is under imminent threat or being callously neglected , voluntary organizations may be able to act more quickly than local authorities .
19 Tests under conditions which are periodically changed can , by imposing changing stresses on a pack , reveal inadequacies more quickly than can storage at a constant temperature .
20 This ‘ compensation ’ method of walking may seem to get the patient on his feet more quickly than the modern method , but it leaves him overusing his unaffected side , therefore he is constantly increasing and fighting against his spasticity .
21 For the same reason , there was no obstruction of the highway — the miners were getting from home to colliery far more quickly than normal , thanks to the chauffeur and the VIP escort .
22 The pipeline , was built far more quickly than the trans-Alaskan pipeline , largely because of the 2,200 separate state and federal permits and construction sanctions needed by the oil companies involved in the US project .
23 Also VDEW ( Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitatswerke ) , the association of German utilities , points out that electricity is gradually increasing its share of the industrial market and total consumption is growing more quickly than energy consumption .
24 William Hazlitt 's visit to Somerset , so eagerly anticipated since January , began in fine summer weather towards the end of May.24 Having made the journey from Shropshire more quickly than he expected , he lingered nervously at Bridgwater for two days .
25 Actually the day Passed more quickly than I had expected .
26 A further point is that salt piercements have the capacity to dissipate heat more quickly than other rock formations .
27 Heat from the projector will dry up ink in the pens more quickly than with preparation on the film beforehand .
28 But McMahon and Greene 's model predicted that there was an ideal between these two extremes , a surface at which the runner would be deflected more quickly than on either a harder or a softer track .
29 Given the critical impact of assumption on oil prices and quantities , the CEGB will clearly need to explain why , with oil prices rising so rapidly , it can not reduce its oil consumption more quickly than it currently expects .
30 Recent experiments using chicks as ‘ predators ’ , and coloured , distasteful crumbs as prey , indicate that although the chicks at first eat the brightly coloured , aposematic , crumbs more quickly than cryptic ( inconspicuous ) crumbs , they also learn to avoid distasteful crumbs more quickly when they are brightly coloured than when they are cryptic ( Figure 1 ) .
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