Example sentences of "more easily to " in BNC.

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1 Sauces cling more easily to complex-shaped pasta .
2 The more dominant females then tend to gain access more easily to the new mother irrespective of her rank .
3 For they would enable the cat to switch more easily to whatever new food regimen was forced upon it by altered circumstances .
4 Species such as these which will accept a wide range of foods in nature are likely to settle down more easily to the aquarium feeding pattern .
5 The Stock Exchange is expected to issue proposals allowing USM companies to move more easily to a full listing .
6 A number of detailed technical changes are also proposed , including those necessary to adapt the 1989/1992 reforms of life assurance taxation to enable them to be applied more easily to the UK branches of foreign life offices .
7 It is important to recognise this , for an acceptance of this fundamental point leads more easily to an understanding of the reasons which caused an increase in the military significance of those who did not fight on horseback .
8 This leads the author to conclude that shares not suitable for widows and orphans are often sold more easily to widows and orphans than to anyone else .
9 The party took more easily to modern electioneering than did the Liberals , and gained an unexpected bonus in the votes of women , who have been a force for conservatism since their enfranchisement in 1918 .
10 Whereas writing has usually been an insular process , word-processing lends itself more easily to a collaborative approach , offering exciting opportunities to share and extend ideas .
11 It was uncrossable for at least a hundred yards , but then my side appeared to slope more easily to its floor .
12 Progress was greater , for example , with developing management systems than with defining objectives , decentralization was developed more readily in field offices than in headquarters and policy divisions , and performance measurement applied more easily to inputs than outputs , and to administrative rather than programme expenditure .
13 Acceptance of a social charter might lead more easily to the achievement of the goals to which the hon. Member referred .
14 The reason is simply that since its meaning is more abstract than that of see , hear , watch , etc. , it lends itself more easily to the inference-type sense than do the latter .
15 He argued that either symbol was used whenever it fell more easily to the hand .
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