Example sentences of "have better [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He might have better awareness etc , but I should bloody hope so at 30 … unless O'Leary has had a set back with his injury ? ? ? ?
2 But were they were faking — did they simply have better memories ?
3 All four groups remembered roughly the same number of words , so MPD sufferers do not merely have better memories .
4 Robson is a loss , no question , but we could not have better compensation than Brian McClair . ’
5 I think you might have better things Oh do you ?
6 Perhaps other readers will have better luck .
7 ‘ Happen you 'll have better luck in 1849 , ’ she added .
8 Their last attempt on this difficult mountain was repulsed by bad weather , but he hope that by climbing in the post-monsoon season they will have better luck .
9 He had been disappointed to find Dr Ockleton absent from his rooms in the morning , but a pretty girl in jogging kit , who had come loping down the stairs whilst he was knocking at Ockleton 's door , had run on the spot long enough to tell him that the doctor lectured on Tuesday mornings and that Harry would probably have better luck after lunch .
10 ‘ We 'll maybe have better luck with our spring cleaning next year . ’
11 We 'll have better cities ; less polluted by private transport and so on .
12 Some units may have better locations or facilities than others , and it would be essential to reflect seasonality .
13 While they could point to the fact that the town might have a poor bus system , could have better public amenities and that in winter it was dull , they could also point to the good health they enjoyed compared to when they lived in a large industrial city .
14 He 's only run twice in the last year , but he could n't have better owners .
15 They have been gulled by the promises of the men that they will have better work , better wages , better conditions .
16 We will still have decent food ; we will probably have better food .
17 The Code should also help registrants have better regard to public health and safety by taking a lead in the development and introduction of competitive designs , processes and systems that minimise risk .
18 Perchance on the morrow we shall have better news . ’
19 ‘ I think what we need is a new type of juvenile detention in secure schools where those young boys can actually have better training and education so you can change their life-style . ’
20 For years , American X-ray astronomers have been pushing for an Advanced X-ray Astrophysics facility ( AXAF ) which would have better sensitivity and resolution of detail , than all other X-ray telescopes presently planned .
21 If we could get to know one another better , we might have better relationships generally .
22 For example , children will characteristically have better control over features of written language such as spelling when the task is easier to perform ( as defined in paragraph 17.24 below ) .
23 They did all that so that we would have better opportunities , and they expected us to grab them when they came along .
24 A boy would have better opportunities — of doing that nasty trick with the razor blade , for example .
25 A report from the Royal College of Physicians recommended that elderly patients should have better access to cardiological services , including coronary angioplasty and cardiac surgery .
26 Disabled people will have better access to the Upper Derwent Valley in the Peak National Park following the acquisition of a specially designed tandem bicycle .
27 Get her to sit on the bottom stair and put them on , as this way she 'll have better access to the fastening .
28 Perhaps it would be better to wait until , hopefully , Alison might have better prospects of a child of her own .
29 You will find that all of these will help , but perhaps one of them will have better results for you than the other two .
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