Example sentences of "have access to " in BNC.

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1 The three stages of the exercise are : examination of personal values of the participants ; evaluation of existing services in the light of values expressed ; and a focus on ways of changing services so that carers can have access to ‘ valued lifestyles for themselves , as well as for the people they care for ’ .
2 There is , for example , no Annie 's Bar where we may gossip with the mighty over a vodka — although we do have access to a well-stocked cafeteria , where the waitresses are uncommonly polite .
3 The local garden or allotment society may have access to good cheap muck ; stables sometimes let you take it free , but this will be steaming fresh and needs time , and space , to rot .
4 Although this was true for some respondents , most policemen and women in Easton periodically sought reassurance from the researcher about the purpose of the research , what was being written down about them , who would have access to the material , what the researchers ' politics , religion , allegiances , and so on were .
5 Any company that has plans for international marketing must build up or have access to marketing information about a large number of different countries .
6 He would have access to the great library , and some touch with the academics , and yet his pastoral instinct , and his work as a confessor , would have outlet .
7 So easily did the rational fear of not being able to exchange their products so advantageously merge , for a whole generation , into the absurdity of supposing that they could somehow have access to a source of wealth other than their own production .
8 He argues that this control enables a group of conquerors to subdue and dominate those who do not have access to such technology .
9 ‘ If Noriega gets into the northern redoubts , there are caches of arms and ammunition and he will have access to his bank accounts .
10 You will have access to what is probably the largest choice of homes available .
11 Almost 40% of Japanese still do not have access to a flushing toilet .
12 Centralised records provide the means by which many people may have access to the same body of information , regardless of their physical situation .
13 Those people who did not have access to that sort of platform took their protests onto the streets and it was here that Ian Paisley and his followers earned their public reputation .
14 With the destruction of state socialism in Hungary , the old and relatively comfortable set-up in which officially approved writers could have access to funds , however limited , via the Writers ' Union , will come to an end , since the Union itself will no longer have any official funding .
15 A recent assessment estimated that the IRA may still have access to up to eight tons .
16 The forecasts that every British family would by now have access to a car ( the thinking behind the design of Milton Keynes and other new towns ) were plainly wrong .
17 For a rent of £6 per month farmers would have access to programmes on feed rations/chemical control of diseases/fertiliser rates , etc .
18 The feeling is growing that since the occupiers of rural land benefit considerably from tax-payers ' money then tax-payers should have access to , and a degree of control over the use of such land .
19 Rhône-Poulenc has acquired exclusive marketing rights for Decis insecticide in the US and in return Roussel Uclaf will have access to several Rhône-Poulenc products and technologies in North America .
20 farms with more than 20 head of cattle must have access to stores for slurry and effluent with at least six months ' capacity .
21 We believe that the public should have access to information held by the pollution control authorities .
22 As a result it is overwhelmed by a mass of material that defies useful analysis and , to make matters worse , unlike the West does not have access to unlimited computer capacity .
23 Because of their position in the class-structure they do not have access to useful connections which , as we have seen , are so valuable in Latin America .
24 The union proposed that in principle parents should have access to their children 's files .
25 I could have access to the female population of the university , both pre and post maternity .
26 ( iv ) In proof-reading any work produced on a word processor , pupils may have access to a computer spelling checker. ( v ) Pupils should be encouraged to use whatever presentational devices are appropriate for a given piece of work — particularly work that is to be displayed or made public .
27 He was also made an honorary villager of Guilin , one of the main centres for child artists and his status in China means that he can now travel freely and have access to areas of Chinese life which are not generally open to foreign visitors .
28 ‘ You know , if you read the collected letters of any writer — if you read her biography — you will always get a sense that there 's something missing , something biographers do n't have access to , the real thing , the crucial thing , the thing that really mattered to the poet herself .
29 But the Labour party was emotionally more committed to the plain principle that the workers should have access to the good things which in the past could be bought for money — health , security , places in grammar schools .
30 Under this Treaty , if a service is legally available in one or more EEC countries , then all EEC citizens should have access to this service , and therefore to all relevant information .
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