Example sentences of "have [vb pp] himself " in BNC.

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1 The Gnostics could not believe that in Christ the eternal God could have polluted himself by taking flesh and enduring crucifixion ; in the first epistle of John this denial is directly combated .
2 I doubt whether a judge , either of the High Court or of the county court , would have regarded himself as qualified to make an assessment of so substantial a claim .
3 No doubt the right hon. Member for Yeovil , ( Mr. Ashdown ) would have regarded himself as semi-detached .
4 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
5 Ramsay MacDonald would never have exposed himself so apparently free from the burdens of state .
6 Not that he could have stopped himself from remembering .
7 Otherwise ( the point is surely an obvious one ) he would have limited himself to verbal argument .
8 Such an interpretation is not inconsistent with Katib Celebi 's brief account , particularly if it is remembered that by his time the Seyhulislam had long since been the Mufti of Istanbul and that he may therefore have concerned himself with trying to sketch the history of the office only in so far as it related to that city .
9 He would have respected himself more .
10 With great trepidation and much backsliding the tsar eventually granted the serfs a sort of freedom , but if their interests had been dear to his heart he could have committed himself earlier and pressed harder for a settlement which gave them an economically viable future .
11 He must have supposed himself to be using a language absolutely purged of metaphor when he wrote at the grand climax of the Discourse on method
12 The name Tolkien , he once remarked in a letter , is based on the German word for foolhardy : which is what , when he finally had his huge romance published , he must have supposed himself to be .
13 ‘ If Sabine Jourdain could have broken away from him any time she chose , it must be equally true that Durance could have torn himself from those admirers . ’
14 ' I do n't think he would have trusted himself to be married , ’ the actor remembered for me .
15 Even a trial separation from Barnet was too much for Fry , who says that he could n't have looked himself in the mirror if he 'd refused to come back .
16 He should have looked himself ; he might have got some indication .
17 He would have come himself , but he is so busy at the estate office . ’
18 I verily believe the Squire would have come himself but since your departure he has been sick abed .
19 She said he would have come himself but he had to go Oxford of course .
20 ‘ If he had wanted to find you he would have come himself , ’ she said with a wry look .
21 He might also have considered himself a very lucky man , as an actor of limited range who made his screen debut in the classic High Noon ( 1952 ) , playing the harmonica-playing member of the gang out to kill Gary Cooper .
22 He had become accustomed to great wealth , but he had a social conscience and may even have considered himself a socialist .
23 Would Desmond Seymour-Strachey have honoured any agreement his mother had come to with Hilda , would he have considered himself obliged to pay half the royalties to Rose ?
24 It is perhaps ironic that a financier whose fortunes had foundered on the unreliability of the royal credit should have busied himself three years after his bankruptcy with devising a project for a national bank whose impracticability his own fate had spectacularly demonstrated .
25 Not apprehensive he was going astray , the took towards the river ; but having a high bank to mount , and being nearly exhausted with wandering and the effect of the liquor , he was most fortunately prevented from rising the mound , or he certainly must have precipitated himself ( as it was near high water ) into the Medway .
26 Prime Minister John Major could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he had followed that advice over David Mellor , the former Heritage Minister .
27 Ipuky might have saved himself , but at no one else 's expense .
28 Er , if only Darwin had opened it , Darwin would have saved himself an , all , load of old trouble .
29 However , had the hiccup in the company 's meteoric rise to the top of the fine chemicals tree come a little sooner Mr Lines would probably have saved himself around £100,000 the personal cost of founding three academic chairs at the Poly .
30 So he could have saved himself but he did n't want to .
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