Example sentences of "have [art] right " in BNC.

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1 In general , a potential X does not have all the rights of an X. Prince Charles is a potential King of England , but he does not now have the rights of a king .
2 Further , the judges in relation to their judicial duties as to who should have the rights of audience have never divested themselves of those duties , nor could they ever do so .
3 I think it 's also worth just bearing in mind that we 're talking about only one percent of the erm of the farmed land i in this county , we 're not talking about banning hunting in in er in Leicestershire , we 're talking about what we 're saying on one percent there are tens of thousand of fields in in this county nothing can change overnight , even if this er motion goes through because the tenants will still have the rights to decide , it 's only when you actually start getting to new tenancy agreements that you will be in a position if you wish , to start to change things and therefore I suppose at the end of erm , at the end of five years you might have a hundred or two hundred fields on which this ban will apply but you will still have tens of thousand of fields on which the , the hunt will still be , the hunts in this county will still be free to , erm , to operate .
4 Grounds for the bishops ' opposition were that only parents and not the state should have the right to provide for the health of their children , that the state had no role to play in the physical education of children and mothers , and that individual privacy would be threatened by public use of their private health records ( Whyte 1980 : 213–14 ) .
5 But we must have the right to carry out our duty to impart the moral convictions , the moral teaching of our Church to our own members .
6 From 1 November 1991 , under the Access to Health Records Act 1990 , individual patients will have the right of access , subject to certain exceptions , to all health information recorded about them .
7 Once initial interviews with children had been videotaped , the prosecution should have the right to apply for a pre-trial hearing before the judge , in informal surroundings , at which the child could be examined and cross-examined .
8 Among the provisions is the understanding that any country will have the right to ban broadcasts that may ‘ seriously impair the physical , mental or moral development of minors ’ .
9 Most crucially , it would have the right to issue an Estonian currency , probably named after the kron which served during the 20 years of independence between the wars .
10 But what we argue is that all should have the right to put their case for asylum fairly and properly , and reasonably quickly . ’
11 Young people should have the right of independent counselling , and should not be held in police cells .
12 Mr Scrivener said that while the council did have the right to take out interest-rate swaps for debt management , other types of transaction were ultra vires .
13 Video systems at football grounds should be regulated and individuals should have the right to see any recorded evidence used against them .
14 The CFTC will have the right , with the acquiesence of the Government , to intervene in business conducted under a regulatory regime which any reasonable person would consider more than adequate .
15 This type of clause may demand that if the manager has n't secured a recording contract to the artist 's satisfaction within a period of twelve months from the start of the agreement , the artist should have the right to terminate the agreement .
16 Both parties in a management agreement should have the right to terminate the agreement if certain things go wrong .
17 Also , if the publisher enters into liquidation , the writer must have the right to terminate the agreement and get back all rights to his or her songs .
18 The recording artist or the writer and composer will have the right to appoint a firm of accountants to examine the accounts of the record or publishing company .
19 I have become convinced that our whole approach is hopelessly unscientific , in fact wrong , and particularly that my own reconstruction is so fundamentally flawed that we really do n't have the right to be displaying it anywhere except in a Disneyland type of amusement park . ’
20 In future , British citizens will have the right to enter the UK ; British overseas citizens will not .
21 If the relationship becomes intolerable , the parties will have the right to divorce .
22 Mr Fowler added that in the Government 's even-handed approach to employment , people would have the right to belong to a union and could not be excluded from a job on the grounds that they were trade unionists .
23 The broad idea is that financial-service companies should have the right to operate throughout the EC on the basis of a single ‘ passport ’ , issued by the supervisory authority in their home country .
24 If that target is not met , the bank will have the right to sell 51% of Pathe or MGM-Pathe .
25 Companies that were awarded routes might have the right to run services for , say ten years , before their franchise would be put up for sale again , like ITV companies .
26 A owes money to B. Common Law regards this as purely a relation between A and B. B agrees with C that C shall have the right to claim the debt from A. Common Law pays no attention , C can not claim the debt .
27 The private sector would remain separate and the public would have the right to be covered by it if they wished — having first paid their taxes to support the general service .
28 Outside Cabinet Leon Brittan argued in a speech that the Government must have the right to look at new ideas , although I suspect that both Leon and Geoffrey Howe must have been appalled at the way the issue had been handled .
29 By the law of the land , not only does he possess none of it , he does not even have the right to own any of it .
30 Science has given us the technology , but do we have the right to use it ?
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