Example sentences of "have [art] effect " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The proposed changes will not have the effects intended .
2 The problem with capitalism was not that it would fall , but that it would continue its remarkable success in raising real output and real consumption per capita , which in turn would have the effects of undermining those very social institutions on which its success depended , and creating a civilisation hostile to its continued existence .
3 In urban areas deregulation may have the effects of encouraging smaller vehicles and hence increasing congestion , of destroying the benefits of integration of the network , and of causing losses of service in some areas and particularly at evenings and weekends .
4 The response of local authorities to these pressures will determine whether adequate provision is still available and whether central government controls will have the effects their supporters hope for .
5 History , indeed , tends to show that public intervention can have the effect of reinforcing rather than curbing market excesses .
6 In the latter case , it will meanwhile have the effect of turning literary study into something much closer to the sociology that Marxists have colonized in the modern academy .
7 Besides monitoring the EC proposals , Mr Eggar is also keeping an eye on other government departments which he said had the tendency to introduce measures which , however well intentioned , could have the effect of strangling small businesses .
8 Mrs Thatcher said economic sanctions did have the effect of depressing an economy and depriving people of jobs , but rarely if ever had the desired political effect .
9 It was for this reason that he felt compelled to offer the Liberals the alternative vote , an electoral system which would have the effect of entrenching the third party as part of the political system .
10 This will have the effect of strengthening the time-cues which cause adjustment of the body clock .
11 This last amendment would have the effect of removing the deterrent which local authorities will face if they place people in their own homes and have to meet the full cost .
12 The Bank stuck to a policy of recommending that subsidies should be ended , which would have the effect of increasing electricity prices and encouraging energy efficiency .
13 Furthermore , if two parties ( usually , but not necessarily , husband and wife ) make ‘ mutual wills ’ , with identical ultimate beneficiaries , the death of one of the parties without alteration of his will may have the effect of binding the survivor to make no alteration , in the sense that a trust will arise , under which the terms of the will must be fulfilled .
14 This will also have the effect of increasing your metabolic rate ; in effect you will be able to eat much more yet not become fat .
15 These data indicate that consultation with either male or female family members can have the effect on women sectioned , of producing less lengthy compulsory admission .
16 Secondly , the tests may produce inconclusive results , or expose some minor defects which may not have the effect of causing mental or physical handicap , but which may affect the child .
17 The British government argued , first , that such a change would have the effect of forcing them to adopt a type of system for documenting civil status which would have considerable administrative consequences and would impose new duties on the population .
18 It may also have the effect of precluding those members who can not find the time to attend a few workshops and may therefore strengthen management committees and their bureaux in the long run .
19 The concentration of development west of London along the M4 corridor may also have the effect of destabilising development within the region while , at a national level , it reinforces the dominance of the south east in the ‘ information economy ’ .
20 Secondly , frequent testing and the enormous pressure of parents and pupils to succeed will almost certainly have the effect of focusing attention on assessment targets , at the expense of other activities to an even greater degree than has occurred in the past .
21 Where the odour does not fall within that category it is still open to the local authority to reach informal agreement with the odour emitter , offering advice and assistance as to methods of abatement , or take formal action under one of the statutes discussed in Chapter 5 which may have the effect of controlling certain odour emissions indirectly .
22 However , conditions may be attached to any site licence which may have the effect of preventing any odour pollution from arising .
23 Certainly general policies , such as those reproduced in part below , could have the effect not only of preventing but abating existing odour nuisance , the county council having recognised that in most cases where odour pollution causes problems , the source of the odour is either close to residential property or industry is so densely concentrated that the total odour emission is unacceptable .
24 Such a quantitative approach could have the effect of reducing odour problems where those are the result of major pollutants such as hydrogen sulphide , sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen , but is unlikely to have much effect on other odour emissions , e.g. those rural in origin or those arising due to minute concentrations of chemicals with low odour threshold detection values .
25 This would have the effect of rendering the reactive vitrinite component inert and therefore thermally more stable , with the result that subsequent reburial would not exceed the temperature threshold for hydrocarbon-producing reactions to occur .
26 He then made a new will : this does have the effect of invalidating the previous one .
27 For some strange optical reason this makes it look bigger than it really is and it has been argued that this illusion would have the effect of making an attacking lion misjudge its leap , striking short of the true position of the prey .
28 Brussels concedes that government pressure for payment might force CNP into receivership , but has nevertheless launched legal proceedings which may have the effect of forcing the government 's hand .
29 This can have the effect of accelerating the build-up of atheroma which in turn eventually leads to heart disease .
30 Certain exercises can have the effect of developing muscles to an excessive degree — for instance cycling , whilst good for the thighs and hips , will possibly overdevelop the calf muscles .
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