Example sentences of "them [Wh adv] to use " in BNC.

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1 They both got it instinctively wrong , but then worked it out roughly by the sun , and I showed them how to use a watch as a compass , which Gareth half remembered , having learned before .
2 In Sheffield the Council got the local School Board to stop supplying boys in Standard VII ( the oldest class in the schools ) with dummy rifles ; the Board also agreed to stop teaching them how to use them .
3 We are more seriously cheating children if we fail to teach them how to use language than if we fail to teach them to enjoy and participate in the arts .
4 It does not aim to tell them how to use a British public telephone — what it does provide is a wealth of thought-provoking information about modern Britain and the British !
5 Well yesterday we actually went to a school and you show them how to use with a condom demonstrator and allow them to touch the condoms , and in youth clubs you allow them to do practically anything with them , as long as they 're returned , they can blow them up , or they can
6 Er we ca n't tell them how to use the money , we presume they will do that , erm this is a significant increase on the amount that the Conservatives seem to be suggesting which is just I think deputy heads so there are a hundred and forty thousand er deputy heads to go .
7 He 's launched a scheme which gives these farmers access to modern farm machinery and he teaches them how to use it .
8 ‘ A lot of companies have in-house reprographics or printing facilities and we aim to get involved in advising them how to use these facilities better through a consultancy service . ’
9 I 'll have to spend time showing them how to use your machine . ’
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