Example sentences of "when [prep] doubt " in BNC.

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1 Two acting notes for Frank : Less is more — do not shift your eyes at the audience so much , stare them down once every scene ; when in doubt about what to say next do not keep ad-libbing about Harry .
2 When in doubt , leave more space rather than less .
3 To a boy who declares himself stuck about what colour to use , he says : ‘ Well , Sickert said that when in doubt put a little of the last colour into the next colour you use , and that gives harmony : it does n't work to use a colour in isolation — white and black are the two parents , red in isolation can appear like a wound in the picture — it 's like friendships , we all know the awful consequences if a new person joins a group and the friendships are n't mixed through , it 's the same with colours . ’
4 Lord Quinton could never have imagined that in the columns of the Library Association Record in 1990 someone would suggest , only half jokingly as we shall see , that the librarian 's motto should be ‘ When in Doubt , Chuck it Out ’ .
5 Boys became men when they learnt the difference between a Médoc and a Côte de Nuits ( different shaped bottle ) ; and women became women of the world when they found out that , when in doubt , AC Sauvignon and Chardonnay were the wines they liked to drink .
6 Although they should not be obliged to do so , GPs should be encouraged to consult their DHA when in doubt , and they should have ready access for this ’ .
7 When in doubt the jury tends to acquit and not convict the innocent , and plenty of lawyers can intercept and fly an ILS approach to CPL/IR standards .
8 When in doubt , keep going .
9 When in doubt , try those old gender stereotypes .
10 When in doubt call all women in uniform ‘ Sister ’ and men in white ‘ sir ’ and everyone 'll love you ! ’
11 When in doubt , and given a choice of bud direction , always choose to prune standards a little harder rather than softer than bushes .
13 When in doubt , shop , ’ she told us , slamming the car door .
14 ‘ My excellent preceptress always used to say , When in doubt take an extreme case .
15 When in doubt , à l'outrance — and a good lie or two , as well .
16 when in doubt , Theodora told herself ,
17 When in doubt , leave it out .
18 Franco never took major steps when in doubt .
19 But , when in doubt , it is the one we always reach for .
20 When in doubt , remove all clothing ’
21 When in doubt , always stone the police . ’
22 When in doubt , beef it up — the more powerful the force , the less likely that it will have to fight and the more likely that it will succeed in its mission .
23 When in doubt , keep talking .
24 His face-pulling , sidling humour has a family relationship with the hands-on-hip simpering beloved of pseudo comedians who , when in doubt , ‘ camp it up ’ , but Mr Williams assumes a stage personality which is elegant , faintly macabre and immensely funny , a curious blend of music hall fairy and the awful child . ’
25 When in doubt , refer to the text .
26 As they say , when in doubt do nowt .
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