Example sentences of "do sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But erm you know they do sort of keep a close eye on what they 're working unless of course they they are hoping to erm for their health to improve and to be able to return to full time teaching ultimately .
2 Er we , we do worldwide , we do sort of take an interest , but that again is linked up with your Co-operative International erm is n't really , you see .
3 but they do sort of come in and give you some idea do n't they ?
4 And some people do sort of Amstrad kits and
5 However , they 're not too obtrusive , they do sort of when you 're looking at her shoulder here and her hand was n't there I could well imagine that you 'd get a bright highlight off her shoulder , so maybe putting hands there it has helped in er , er to , to eliminate that .
6 And er Mark 's sister and her partner , they are professional musicians and they do sort of Irish er Irish music .
7 And we do sort of on each day , sort of Nuneaton ,
8 No definition is spot on really , you can always find difficulties with it but they do sort of discuss it in the first paragraph .
9 The other thing we do sort of every now and then , and next time will be Easter , we actually have some people in costume who actually reoccupy the house over Waster weekend in this case as as the household of William and they 've been coming for a long time now and they 've got set into the set into their roles quite well .
10 Oh she said they do sort of milk chocolate drinks , thirty five pence each see .
11 Yeah I mean it 's , it 's so clever really is n't it how , how they do sort of er fake furniture like that .
12 and I just did n't agree with it and I 'm trying to sort of , they say in your subconscious you do sort of look at and the last person erm , will look at you , you get
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