Example sentences of "do [not/n't] let " in BNC.

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1 Do not let me discommode you none , Miz Scarlett , I 'm sure !
2 The moral is simple : do not let up until the time-up bell sounds .
3 Do not let the weight drop to the chest and never ‘ bounce ’ the bar off the chest .
4 Do not let anybody , particularly gardening writers , tread on your dreams .
5 Wrap mothballs in muslin and do not let them touch the textiles .
6 By giving through a central fund to which all give according to their means and from which those in need receive , we fulfil our Lord 's precept : Do not let your right hand know what your left is doing .
7 If the powder is not completely dissolved , place the bowl in a saucepan of water and heat gently or heat in the microwave for 20sec — do not let the gelatine boil .
8 Do not let seed or seedlings dry out
9 Do not let me persuade you against your will , now .
10 Do not let anyone in , I can not see anyone , ’ Alida Thorne said , turning on Dorothea .
11 And do not let him think he is to be parted from you forever Ellen for this would not be the truth .
12 When you tip the seed from the packet it is hard to believe that from almost every one a plant will arise , so do not let them fall too thickly into the soil .
13 Do not let the mixture boil , and stir constantly while it cooks .
14 Do not let the pressure of time overcome you : try to remain calm , and attempt to compose your images .
15 Do not let your hearts be troubled , and do not be afraid .
16 Do not let it boil !
17 Do not let the patient smoke , if possible .
18 However do not let note taking become obsessional , it can tend to interrupt the flow of conversation if carried out in too much detail .
19 So do not let us be surprised when they fail to deliver the goods from their two-cornered debate .
20 They usually do not let things get to them . ’
21 do not let personal prejudices interfere with their judgement ;
22 How might you incorporate the principle of Ephesians 4:26–27 , ‘ Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry , and do not give the devil a foothold ’ , into a goal for your marriage ?
23 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths , but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs , that it may benefit those who listen . ’
24 If you feel this way do not let it go very long without confessing it .
25 Do not let friendships lapse .
26 Do not let foals get cold or wet out in the field .
27 So do not let ourselves go seeking instant conversions or any of that jazz .
28 All over Europe homosexuals are on the retreat from public activity : it is important that homosexual women and men do not let go of their responsibility for their own lives , as is now the case in England .
29 The right shot at the right moment does not come because you do not let go of yourself .
30 Do not let anyone — pilots , the RAF or the CAA — fool themselves that CANP is anything other than a hastily improvised system put together after the collision of a Phantom and a Pawnee in 1974 , when it had to be shown that something was being done .
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