Example sentences of "could easily [be] " in BNC.

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1 Based in the international press room along with some 60 or so other reporters from around the world , Mace watches , records and listens , aware that any time , his imminent live report could easily be overtaken by events .
2 Sit behind the wheel of the Calibra and it could easily be mistaken for a Cavalier GSi .
3 Front-drive , a 2.2-litre 16-valve in-line four developing an impressive 225bhp , four-wheel disc brakes with an optional anti-lock device and compact dimensions by usual US standards could easily be the routine outline for a French , Swedish , perhaps even German four-door performance saloon .
4 Symptoms of hypotension include tiredness , light-headedness or dizziness and fainting , all of which could easily be attributed to other complaints .
5 By putting up a clergyman as a candidate , he could rely on the vote of hundreds of MAs who , sitting in their country rectories , could easily be persuaded by a judiciously worded letter that their old University was falling into the hands of infidels .
6 He said the growth in Britain was through the derivative crack , which could easily be made from cocaine and a readily available ingredient , and then smoked .
7 The plastic floats at the top of the net could easily be detected by sonar , but in drift-nets , they are on the surface , where , even if detected , they would not give the dolphin any cause for alarm .
8 For instance , Defence Department officials doubt that UN cover for the use of force could easily be obtained again .
9 It was a piece of pure mathematics that could easily be applied to letters and pictures on a page .
10 The Vietnamese and their Cambodian friends say that any peace plan so far offered could easily be subverted by the Khmers Rouges .
11 Life insurers sold policies with yields which could easily be paid in a rising stockmarket but not when it falls .
12 Given that ‘ ideas ’ are things which , like sensations and feelings , are essentially mind-dependent , the third premiss is something with which the philosophically sophisticated would agree ; it is , too , something with which the vulgar , if persuaded to consider the matter , could easily be brought to agree .
13 It could easily be done .
14 To my mind , it begins so well that it could easily be mistaken for a translation of an eighth-century hermit 's verse , composed in a beehive hut by a contented holy man of Old Ireland .
15 By using the term ‘ evangelical ’ the leaders were purposefully excluding Unitarians who could easily be sacrificed in order to get Methodists .
16 Fortunately , the rain seems to have come to an end just in time — and , in any case , Hermann Duckek , recognised as the world expert on producing artificial surfaces , says that a downpour could easily be dealt with .
17 For a health service observer such a home could easily be seen as a failure .
18 This could easily be sent because a large tree in the garden seeded in all the borders and cuttings rooted easily , like willows .
19 It is a pity that the special position of chemists was not recognised when the legislation was being prepared , but I believe that a simple procedure could easily be worked out by the RSC and MAFF .
20 The population of England and Wales had grown steadily in the centuries up to about 1300 , by which time it had exceeded a level which could easily be sustained by contemporary food production .
21 Whereas it would have been possible to ask Harriet Finlay Johnson , ‘ What are you teaching this lesson ? ’ and the answer could easily be something like , ‘ The Spanish Armada ’ , one could not expect to be given an equivalent answer from Peter Slade , Brian Way or the Speech and Drama teachers .
22 The Exodus narrative , identifying the God of Israel as the worker of wonders such as those which led Pharoah to release the Israelites from Egypt , could easily be thought of as referring to one god among many .
23 Such an idea could easily be associated with domesticating and trivialising the Deity .
24 They were also early in being especially mobile , no longer tied to land which could easily be sold .
25 The rubbish stuck to the bottom of the wax , and could easily be scraped off to leave the scented fawny cake clean and pure .
26 He had proved that he could maintain his force in the desert over a considerable length of time , which by air supply could easily be extended .
27 A nice , forgiving , non-envious strategy could easily be programmed into a computer by a very nasty man .
28 Out of 110 regurgitations that Wilkinson witnessed , 77 could easily be understood as cases of mothers feeding their children , and many other instances of blood-sharing involved other kinds of genetic relatives .
29 Supposition is a dangerous practice , but the song ‘ Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft ’ could easily be about Gedge losing Rigby 's love to Duane .
30 Unfortunately , the spatial referencing is poor and with some effort this could easily be remedied .
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